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  • redietz's Avatar
    Today, 09:26 PM
    redietz replied to a thread The Riddler in Las Vegas
    No, Frackville, which is just off I-81. Jim Thorpe's not far, though. Maybe 25 miles. There's a true crime book called "The K&A Gang," which is...
    5 replies | 29 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    Today, 08:22 PM
    redietz replied to a thread The Riddler in Las Vegas
    I used to know the Maroons story, but today I would have to look it up, and that is cheating. They did win the NFL in the 20's one year, but went to...
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  • redietz's Avatar
    Today, 08:06 PM
    The Riddler struck again. If anyone would like to tip him, I'm sorry. I don't know where he lives.
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  • redietz's Avatar
    Today, 08:03 PM
    redietz started a thread The Riddler in Las Vegas
    I suppose this is a mic drop moment for The Riddler. For those who took his advice and took the Eagles, lo those many months ago, good for you.
    5 replies | 29 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:29 PM
    You're correct, of course. After three losing weeks this football season, I need to turn things around in a hurry. Otherwise I might wind up in a...
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  • redietz's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:54 PM
    One quick recent note. I have to blow some bonuses and contest winnings this week, so I spent a couple of hours surveying props and decided to blow...
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  • redietz's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:41 PM
    I have no idea, as this is not coin flipping so those kinds of estimates have very little ongoing real-world value. None of the props in a SB should...
    32 replies | 444 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:33 AM
    "Boon Tunes?" LOL. That's so bad. I wonder if they slipped that into a Bugs Bunny cartoon. Personally, I think they should play the "Southern...
    32 replies | 444 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:47 AM
    A few things may be in play here: 1) Obvious KC fatigue. No novelty; no new stories, although this really shouldn't affect travel/destination...
    32 replies | 444 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 12:21 PM
    Most keep things more or less private, since there is no upside for them sharing results, but when McCusker was publishing "Tipsters or Gypsters?,"...
    6 replies | 193 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 09:40 AM
    You have to know, since I have partners/clients, that I have timed and dated emails for every play. Now some of the email reports are timed a few...
    6 replies | 193 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 07:55 PM
    The clock is ticking. Just a semi-thoughtful aside -- everyone wonders why extraterrestrial life is so hard to find. It's certainly plausible to...
    809 replies | 178711 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 08:17 AM
    redietz replied to a thread Cook E Jarr has died in Las Vegas
    I think killing that statue went deeper than this. CET is selling some pre-packaged cool that ostensibly is tied to donating money to a casino and...
    33 replies | 966 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    02-05-2025, 04:57 PM
    Since Trump banned transgender "women" from playing women's sports today, I figured I better hustle to Wal-Mart to try on women's clothing before it...
    3380 replies | 491464 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    02-05-2025, 02:13 PM
    To expand on what Rob just said, why is CET biased against the color blind? If you can't appreciate the full import of improved status with different...
    16 replies | 292 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 02:04 PM
    I spent college football seasons in Las Vegas. If that's "snowbirding," I suggest you buy better calendars. But more pertinent, I spent more time...
    3380 replies | 491464 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 11:22 AM
    Indubitably (as opposed to LOL). 1) I have not read (as opposed to "heard") a single account of Ungar getting his ass kicked playing live cash...
    3380 replies | 491464 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:52 AM
    LOL. You should have introduced yourself. I watched the final table of one WSOP while it was held in the back of Binion's. Couldn't really tell what...
    3380 replies | 491464 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 09:58 AM
    Here's a thought, mickey. Actually read what Dancer has written in his own blog. Rather than say "I heard." Unger dumped money on live poker? Not...
    3380 replies | 491464 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 09:47 PM
    KewlJ got the degree wrong, as per usual. One thing Axelwolf and KewlJ have in common -- they don't double-check things to get details correct before...
    3380 replies | 491464 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 09:41 PM
    What I have difficulty with: 1) Folks who, outside of arbitrage, middles-shooting, and bonuses -- which are fine arrows in a "sports betting"...
    3380 replies | 491464 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 04:09 PM
    Of course, I'm not The Riddler. I don't have his poetic abilities. The Riddler has 1) Won more money for people on this forum than Kewlj. 2)...
    3380 replies | 491464 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 02:42 PM
    So are you gonna email The Riddler? He's hot -- not just winning money, but hot in general. Kind of a cross between Eastwood and Schwarzenegger, but...
    3380 replies | 491464 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 02:09 PM
    Not sure how the forum bullshitter managed to interpret what I just posted as self-aggrandizing but far be it for me to question the reading...
    3380 replies | 491464 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 12:39 PM
    No, you're looking at this the wrong way. First of all, what he did this year is flat-out awesome, and what he did back-to-back years is...
    3380 replies | 491464 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 11:58 AM
    You gotta love account with his declarations regarding things he knows almost nothing about. It's ridiculous. Those of us from the Phila/NY tabloid...
    152 replies | 6943 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    01-30-2025, 12:04 PM
    The problem with the phrase "expected value" is that it denotes an actual established distribution of results. But what account, mickey, et al...
    142 replies | 3462 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 01:16 PM
    No, redietz makes fun of people who can do A vis-a-vis sports betting and who think BECAUSE they can do only A, they are somehow superior to or on a...
    142 replies | 3462 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 09:00 AM
    I hate to agree with Mr. Singer, but the commonly used line by kewlJ, "That's not how the math works," is ridiculous. I say this for one definitive...
    142 replies | 3462 view(s)
  • redietz's Avatar
    01-28-2025, 01:36 PM
    Let me explain the issue with the KewlJ(s) responses, for those who are new to the subject. I was in Las Vegas for a week about six weeks ago....
    142 replies | 3462 view(s)
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