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  • jdog's Avatar
    11-28-2024, 09:25 AM
    jdog replied to a thread Best Vegas Strips Club in Las Vegas
    I know it was a shithole but I miss the old Glitter Gulch on Fremont. We had some good times in there. $20 got you two real strong drinks and entry...
    14 replies | 653 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-27-2024, 12:04 PM
    jdog replied to a thread Agree or Disagree in Las Vegas
    Only been to Tahoe once. I was surprised at how dated the Caesars' properties looked. Harvey's almost reminded me of Harrah's Laughlin.
    33 replies | 1259 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-26-2024, 04:22 PM
    jdog replied to a thread The reality of VCT in Las Vegas
    Give it a rest. If there was something in the media someone would have found it. It never happened. When are you going to realize whatever you're...
    244 replies | 9331 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-26-2024, 01:43 PM
    I've always been fascinated with the casino business in LV and studied it over the years. Came to the conclusion pretty quick it's not a business...
    23 replies | 807 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-26-2024, 12:54 PM
    jdog replied to a thread The reality of VCT in Las Vegas
    You made a claim that you had info but as usual, you provided proof of nothing. And since your credibility is zero, people question the entire...
    244 replies | 9331 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-25-2024, 06:25 PM
    jdog replied to a thread The reality of VCT in Las Vegas
    I don't have any trouble with the concept of IDing someone who is staying comped in a casino hotel for a very long time. Any number of employees...
    244 replies | 9331 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-25-2024, 02:25 PM
    jdog replied to a thread Agree or Disagree in Las Vegas
    Here's a recent one from Caesars New Orleans - Harrah's Hotel. The whole vanity top was nearly broken off in the back. It happens so often I...
    33 replies | 1259 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-25-2024, 02:19 PM
    jdog replied to a thread Agree or Disagree in Las Vegas
    Eh... I don't let stuff like this bother me but I did show the pic to the front desk. The thing is just about every hotel room you check into now...
    33 replies | 1259 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-25-2024, 12:30 PM
    jdog replied to a thread The reality of VCT in Las Vegas
    We have, but you seem undeterred. Now you're getting it... :)
    244 replies | 9331 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-25-2024, 11:35 AM
    jdog replied to a thread Agree or Disagree in Las Vegas
    Here's a pic of the headboard from my last stay at Caesars Palace. Upgraded Octavius room even... Pretty classy huh?
    33 replies | 1259 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-24-2024, 01:52 PM
    jdog replied to a thread The Aria in Las Vegas
    I mean you would think so but the number of poor reviews on the property discouraged me. Another thing is Vdara has no casino and is also set back...
    10 replies | 2532 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-24-2024, 01:21 PM
    jdog replied to a thread The Aria in Las Vegas
    I thought about staying there but if you look at the reviews Vdara is kind of a weird deal. It appears many of the rooms are timeshares, which are...
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  • jdog's Avatar
    11-24-2024, 12:36 PM
    jdog replied to a thread The reality of VCT in Las Vegas
    I cannot dispute that.
    244 replies | 9331 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-23-2024, 11:06 AM
    jdog replied to a thread VINDICATION for KJ in Las Vegas
    That might not even do it in Florida. Didn't Casey Anthony's attorney start boning her?
    249 replies | 9780 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-23-2024, 10:36 AM
    jdog replied to a thread Las Vegas F1 in Las Vegas
    I guess it could be possible if they included all the stuff they had to build/modify the first time they did it. But now that the supporting...
    44 replies | 1612 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-22-2024, 07:11 PM
    jdog replied to a thread Wolf Run Eclipse Strategy in Las Vegas
    105!... maybe more than one person. :eek:
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  • jdog's Avatar
    11-22-2024, 06:59 PM
    jdog replied to a thread Las Vegas F1 in Las Vegas
    Agreed and I think it just goes to show how much the strip's focus is moving away from gaming. But I'd really like to know if the event is helping...
    44 replies | 1612 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-22-2024, 03:30 PM
    jdog replied to a thread Las Vegas F1 in Las Vegas
    Will be interesting to see how it does this year. I doubt it was an attraction for your average Vegas tourist and we already know many of the...
    44 replies | 1612 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-22-2024, 03:14 PM
    jdog replied to a thread The Aria in Las Vegas
    Used to be my preferred spot on the strip however it's been almost 2yrs now, but I'd bet it's probably still pretty nice. Was starting to show it's...
    10 replies | 2532 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-22-2024, 02:42 PM
    jdog replied to a thread Wolf Run Eclipse Strategy in Las Vegas
    This user made 7 posts today. I feel like we are being infiltrated by machines!
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  • jdog's Avatar
    11-20-2024, 02:30 PM
    jdog replied to a thread VINDICATION for KJ in Las Vegas
    Fair points coach but is it absolutely necessary to start kicking the guy in the nuts already?? He just joined... and he DID pay the bet.
    249 replies | 9780 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-20-2024, 12:47 PM
    jdog replied to a thread VINDICATION for KJ in Las Vegas
    If for no other reason than it would be a shame to know so much about counting but never put it into action.
    249 replies | 9780 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-20-2024, 12:37 PM
    AI is definitely narrowing the focus of phishing emails. I got an interesting one last week. It was from someone claiming to be the new CFO of one...
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  • jdog's Avatar
    11-19-2024, 06:34 PM
    jdog replied to a thread VINDICATION for KJ in Las Vegas
    I'll take that a step further. I'm pretty sure he even counts cards.
    249 replies | 9780 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-19-2024, 02:56 PM
    jdog replied to a thread VINDICATION for KJ in Las Vegas
    Lack of a fundamental understanding of what makes a person credible has always been kewl's biggest challenge. He believes if a statement does not...
    249 replies | 9780 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-19-2024, 12:31 PM
    The scam Frontier was doing went something like this I believe. They would change/cancel your original flight and give you the option of a refund or...
    17 replies | 633 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-18-2024, 07:24 PM
    You can't really compare International airlines/flights... apples to oranges. But I agree, pretty soon domestics will all be the same and you'll...
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  • jdog's Avatar
    11-18-2024, 07:13 PM
    Appears he is taking a break.
    182 replies | 23918 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-18-2024, 03:42 PM
    jdog replied to a thread VINDICATION for KJ in Las Vegas
    Typical page out of the kewl playbook. Refuses to corroborate anything, that way if anything surfaces he doesn't like he can just say: I never said...
    249 replies | 9780 view(s)
  • jdog's Avatar
    11-18-2024, 02:25 PM
    I agree Spirit is better than Frontier. But anything is better than Frontier... those people are crooks. Spirit was going to merge with Frontier,...
    17 replies | 633 view(s)
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