Zeus knows, I take great pleasure in watching the cowardly, cringing, scared, weak, neurotic, psychotic, stupid, evil demorats break down in hysteric...
Some 25% of demorats actually believe that men can get pregnant, by contrast just about 0% of republican subscribe to that insanity and retardation....
Gotta say, the best part of Trump winnings is getting to enjoy the show as the cowardly, scared, weak, stupid, insane, evil pieces of shit, melt down...
I voted in a presidential election, once, back in 1988, when I was a young lad of 20, and I voted for the demorat, Dukakis. I've never been a fan of...
Yup, it's just a conspiracy, that's why demorats are against stringent voter id requirements. That's why every glitch, every isolated incident always...