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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 11:57 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Great Idea for KewlJ in Las Vegas
    Good for you. honestly. It just is something I decided early on that I didn't want to do. I do not believe it a great idea for a solo type card...
    72 replies | 2064 view(s)
  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 10:37 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Great Idea for KewlJ in Las Vegas
    I have known the trolls don't want me here. Some like Dawg and Singer because I dare call out their nonsense. Others for other reasons. Some are...
    72 replies | 2064 view(s)
  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 10:29 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Great Idea for KewlJ in Las Vegas
    There also was the BJ Bash, later called AP Bash an annual event at the early blackjack forum I was on. It was run or organized by a card counter,...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 10:17 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Great Idea for KewlJ in Las Vegas
    What you didn't like and I think still don't is that I didn't and still don't meet and socialize with other APs like you do, just for the sake of...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 10:09 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Great Idea for KewlJ in Las Vegas
    A broken arm is something incredible? I must be very special because I have had a broken arm, two broken collarbones (one broken two different...
    72 replies | 2064 view(s)
  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 09:23 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Great Idea for KewlJ in Las Vegas
    I get the feeling that some people here think that discrediting someone else or trying to, somehow elevates their own credibility. It absolutely...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 09:10 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Great Idea for KewlJ in Las Vegas
    Maxpen has said some pretty remarkable things about you, Singer. Are you now admitting everything he said was true? :confused: That is breaking...
    72 replies | 2064 view(s)
  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 05:26 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Great Idea for KewlJ in Las Vegas
    72 replies | 2064 view(s)
  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 05:11 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Great Idea for KewlJ in Las Vegas
    Wrong smelly Arab. people believed my accounts and experiences of my 20+ year career because it is EXACTLY how blackjack and card counting works. ...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 04:35 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Great Idea for KewlJ in Las Vegas
    I mostly accepted Red's story of 40 years of sports betting for a living because I had no reason not to. I didn't know all that much about how sports...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 04:18 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Great Idea for KewlJ in Las Vegas
    The strip is really for tourists. Most real APs and winning players mostly avoid the strip, especially those that live here. Now matter what you...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 04:11 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Great Idea for KewlJ in Las Vegas
    Here is a recommendation for you Redietz: Shut the fuck up you bald asshole. Your inability to tell the truth now rivals dawg and Singer before...
    72 replies | 2064 view(s)
  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 01:56 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Cook E Jarr has died in Las Vegas
    I gotta say that I have never even heard of Cook E. Jarr. My time in Vegas began in late 2009 and while it looks like Cook E Jarr overlapped into...
    18 replies | 570 view(s)
  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 12:25 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread The WoV Thread in Las Vegas
    And here is how dishonest and how much a shyster/scammer this Dawg person is. You all remember the incident about this time last year just before he...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 12:10 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread The WoV Thread in Las Vegas
    Congrats to HunterHill for induction into the Mdawg wall of fame on Mdawgs own forum. That would be the forum where Mdawg started a different thread...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-15-2025, 11:58 AM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Professional Sportsbetting in Las Vegas
    As a kid and into my teen years, I would spend a day at the track with my Grandfather, several times a year when I visited them. It was mostly Phila...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-13-2025, 04:01 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Druff in Las Vegas
    Who cares Boz? I mean seriously do you care what that person posts at this point? :confused: At WoV he has posted that he has won nearly half a...
    75 replies | 2465 view(s)
  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-13-2025, 03:40 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Druff in Las Vegas
    Oxford dictionary, literally lists the same synonyms for the words, curious, weird, screwy and strange. Nothing misquoted you strange, weird,...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-13-2025, 02:44 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Druff in Las Vegas
    A little defensive there aren't you Druff? All I said was that I found it curious to relegate what limited power you had available to internet,...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 11:14 AM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Druff in Las Vegas
    Rob Singer of African heritage, hating on his own people.
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-11-2025, 06:39 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread UNKewlJ use of the n word in Las Vegas
    When I got here this forum was about equal parts AP's sharing some real play and trolls, trolling. As time has gone on, it has become nothing but...
    283 replies | 27472 view(s)
  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-11-2025, 06:34 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread UNKewlJ use of the n word in Las Vegas
    AcctinQ really is a fucking idiot. he started out somewhat normal, but turned into just another troll. I am not here to try to win some sort of...
    283 replies | 27472 view(s)
  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-11-2025, 06:51 AM
    kewlJ replied to a thread UNKewlJ use of the n word in Las Vegas
    I am humiliated? demoralized? dehumanized? (which doesn't even make sense) Why.because Rob Singer said so? :D If I really was any of these...
    283 replies | 27472 view(s)
  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-10-2025, 11:36 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread UNKewlJ use of the n word in Las Vegas
    According to his reports at WoV, he has won so much in the first week of the year, he is waiting for the casino to re-fill the chip tray. ;) the...
    283 replies | 27472 view(s)
  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-10-2025, 11:12 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Druff in Las Vegas
    Well enough of this from me. Bottom line is if you choose to live in California, be prepared to deal with earthquakes and I guess huge wind swept...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-10-2025, 07:25 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Druff in Las Vegas
    What are you all hopped up on grape soda again, Ron? :confused:
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-10-2025, 02:13 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Druff in Las Vegas
    Nobody cares about your fucking political views Singer. You are a VERY, VERY typical old person, bitter and complaining and blaming about...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-10-2025, 01:59 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Druff in Las Vegas
    Since Dawg wants to hijack this thread to talk about is what Dawg has claimed he has won on 8 days of play so far this year. ...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-10-2025, 01:17 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Druff in Las Vegas
    Watching a bit of coverage of the Cali Fires, Cnn had a reporter on a street that showed a house completely untouched, while the houses on both sides...
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  • kewlJ's Avatar
    01-10-2025, 12:26 PM
    kewlJ replied to a thread Druff in Las Vegas
    Druff has posted a couple times at PFA since I started this thread. As of last night he was still without power. But I gotta say, his posts were...
    75 replies | 2465 view(s)
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Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".


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