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Thread: Big Casino Wins and Jackpots

  1. #1
    The other forums do this, so we can do it too. On this page show us your big or outstanding casino wins. Did you hit all 6 spots on the fire bet? Show us a photo of the discs on the layout. Did you amass enough chocolate chips at blackjack to fill a cookie tin? Show us a photo. Did you hit a royal flush? We want to see it. Did you get the big payout on a slot machine? Share your photo. And tell us the story, too.

    You can upload a photo directly to the server for the forum by clicking on "Manage Attachments." That will open the "File Upload Manager" and then click "Add Files" to select a photo file from your computer. And if you have a problem with your photo, email it to me at alan(at) and I will edit it into your post after your write your story.

    Rob Singer sent me a photo of his latest win, a $5 Bonus Poker royal flush for $20,000. The photo is below. Click on the "thumbnail image" to see a larger picture.

    Rob said he was having trouble with uploading the photo so I posted it for him. I'd like Rob to tell us his full story, but in the text message he sent me he said that instead of playing his usual system and starting at a low denomination he started at $5 and hit with only $1,000 available for play. Rob says this is the same machine that gave him a $2 royal for $8,000 the week before. Rob says this machine is "hot."
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  2. #2
    Yes, trying to upload the picture was tough enough (but should be easier the "next" time because of your instructions) but that was nothing compared to the confusion that entailed when Alan asked me to e-mail it to him. The picture got entwined with some of my past Gaming Today articles and even my mugshot when I tried to get it from my phone to my computer in a way I can't explain, but whether or not any of those articles or my fine mug arrived along with the pic (I tried to remove everything from the file and it looks like it worked) he did a good job of putting it up.

    This royal was a surprise for several reasons. First, I just had one on the same machine a week ago on $2 (dealt). Then, I was thinking about how Alan regularly plays $5 vp, and even though I haven't bet a cent on a $5 game since retiring and hadn't planned on playing anything higher than $2, I chose to do so here. God bless free will.

  3. #3
    Congrats on the big win, Rob! Like you have said before, "Always hold 3 to the Royal." Did you just play strictly on the $5 denomination for the big win?

  4. #4
    Thanks and yes. I wasn't expecting to just play at that level but I got to thinking about all of Alan's big royals lately and that motivated me to play my $1000 on $5. It was just one of those things. It's kind of nice playing as a recreational player these days, not being tied down to playing strictly one way with a hard set of rules. I'm also putting myself on alert. I live real close to these casinos now and I know play can get out of hand. I'm not going to play more than one time a week, and that's only if I have the time to. We'll see how this goes.

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Thanks and yes. I wasn't expecting to just play at that level but I got to thinking about all of Alan's big royals lately and that motivated me to play my $1000 on $5. It was just one of those things. It's kind of nice playing as a recreational player these days, not being tied down to playing strictly one way with a hard set of rules.
    So tell me, Rob, were your chances of hitting the royal at the $5 level as a recreational player starting on the $5 machine any different from playing with your SPS system starting at the 25-cent or fifty-cent or one-dollar level?

    It appears you had three-hundred in credits remaining. Did you put the entire thousand dollars into the machine at once when you started, and if so what was your "recreational win goal"?

  6. #6
    If it makes any sense for someone like me, I went in expecting to win $200, but as I changed my play plan from the 25c thru $2 type play to only playing $5 BP, I had no win goal and expected to lose--Unless I hit several quads that included four Aces and/or a SF....or a royal. I attribute this to still feeling bullish from my last visit. I did put the entire 200 credits in to start. I hit four 4's (that was the other pic I wanted to post because I held a K, but it came out double-exposed with a picture of my doggie) which because of some promo this month meant a free bottle of wine. I checked on my point balance from my two visits. $47 in comps, and they said monthly mailers will come. I don't know or care if that made this game a "positive play". Is even bringing that up today silly or what!
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 12-20-2012 at 01:01 PM.

  7. #7
    Congrats Rob! What a great Christmas Gift. Question: you said you had planned on playing 25 to 2.00 trying to win 200 dollars.. What strategy were you going to use? Have a great Christmas!

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I hit four 4's
    Little quads pay $1,000 on that game. Why didn't you quit then?

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Little quads pay $1,000 on that game. Why didn't you quit then?
    There's only one answer according to some guy who claims he's an expert ... you're an addict.

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by vpguy View Post
    Congrats Rob! What a great Christmas Gift. Question: you said you had planned on playing 25 to 2.00 trying to win 200 dollars.. What strategy were you going to use? Have a great Christmas!
    Thank you! I would have played ARTT, which is what I do at those levels much of the time.

    Merry Christmas! We're staying in for the holiday because there's a big snowstorm on its way here. But on Wed. I'm heading over to Reno for dinner and a chat with the Peppermill Slot Director. Maybe I'll get some more of that "inside info" that some people get so squeemish over

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Little quads pay $1,000 on that game. Why didn't you quit then?
    Up above, I mentioned that I planned on quitting with a couple quads under my belt that included Aces or a SF....or just a royal. In retrospect, I'd say that was an "expert" decision instead of just sitting there for a 6 or 7 hour escape from "misery".

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Up above, I mentioned that I planned on quitting with a couple quads under my belt that included Aces or a SF....or just a royal. In retrospect, I'd say that was an "expert" decision instead of just sitting there for a 6 or 7 hour escape from "misery".
    So goal setting takes some preplanning BEFORE you go? In other words, it is just as importantly a loss goal decision also? Thanks.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Up above, I mentioned that I planned on quitting with a couple quads under my belt that included Aces or a SF....or just a royal.
    Since quads and SFs and royals don't come around that often, how many of those "big hands" did you expect on a "one thousand dollar budget"? Remember, on that game each push of the button costs you $25. In a worst case scenario, you have only forty hands to play.

  14. #14
    I know Alan, but I was just taking a chance. I didn't really care about the $1000 (meaning it was a relatively small part of the $12k I won the week before and I don't play that much) and as slingshot eluded to, that was my loss goal.

    I'll be going back to 25c thru $2 for a while starting next week at the Peppermill, and I don't know when I'll play $5 again. That's the best way to hold onto a win. We're looking at a few ways to spend some of it too. I usually only have a $5k playing bankroll these days anyway.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 12-21-2012 at 01:32 PM.

  15. #15
    I have a lot of luck just playing 40 hands-20 on bp and 20 on adbp. My version of "200" credits played.

  16. #16
    Well, Rob, I just had the itch to spend our last moments on earth on 12/21/12 doing what I love to do... play video poker. And it helped that Harrah's Rincon had a free play offer plus a promotion for $200 of Macy's gift cards. The free play was worth $160 and I played $2 Aces and Faces and got as high as $740 and then lost it all. I would have cashed out and gone home if it got up to $1,000 but I didn't even get close.

    Since I've been doing well playing live poker lately I decided to give my favorite bank of $5 Aces and Faces machines a little run... and like you Rob, I put in $1,000. But my machine came to life immediately with quad Kings, and Jacks twice and each time the machine spit out a $1,000 ticket. Oh, I had some smaller quads too and as you can see in the photo with a lot of credits still on the machine, and three $1,000 tickets already in hand, I hit another royal after being dealt four to the royal. Click on the thumbnail to expand the photo.

    But this wasn't the end. After this I changed machines and hit two straight flushes at $5, plus quad aces for $2k, and then I took $500 over to a $2 Royal Aces Bonus game (this game is deadly -- either you hit big or you go bust) and I hit another straight flush for $1,000 (500 coins for a SF on this game).

    Oh, and the really good news is the world did not end on 12/21/12 but I think my video poker for 2012 did end last night.
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  17. #17
    I love it! One group of Indians tell you it's all over--then the next showers you with cash!

  18. #18
    Alan, another example of where quitting while you were ahead ($700) would have limited your winnings. It's very thoughtful of you (and the casino) to keep providing examples of what I have been saying for months.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by arcimede$ View Post
    Alan, another example of where quitting while you were ahead ($700) would have limited your winnings. It's very thoughtful of you (and the casino) to keep providing examples of what I have been saying for months.
    Sure arci has nothing but disdain and sour grapes here, but his emotion got the best of him. I seem to read where Alan went in with a $1000 win goal, and that +$700 win point Alan had and arci brought up, doesn't quite--at least in the "tested genius book" I checked with, come up to $1000.

    Care to alter your post JUST A TAD, arci? Come on, show us some more of that famous, FACTUAL type neurotic face-saving you think you've perfected after years of my debunking your BS!
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 12-22-2012 at 02:18 PM.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Sure arci has nothing but disdain and sour grapes here, but his emotion got the best of him. I seem to read where Alan went in with a $1000 win goal, and that +$700 win point Alan had and arci brought up, doesn't quite--at least in the "tested genius book" I checked with, come up to $1000.
    Sorry robki, it doesn't matter what the win goal was to prove my point. He got ahead by some amount and ended up even further ahead. That has been my point all along. What if his win goal was $600? He would never had stayed around to hit the royal. That is what I've been saying for months.

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Care to alter your post JUST A TAD, arci? Come on, show us some more of that famous, FACTUAL type neurotic face-saving you think you've perfected after years of my debunking your BS!
    No, I don't want to change anything. One can only wonder at the logical capabilities of a person who does not understand this situation proves my point completely. You never know when your going to go on a winning streak or losing streak. Some arbitrary win goal is meaningless.

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