Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
I don't play slots and I certainly never played that machine. So since I'm dumb, MaxPen, why don't you also explain how the multipliers work?

Is it 500 X 5 X 10 = 25000
Or is it
500 X 5 + 10 (15) = 7500

Since you play in casinos all the time and you play these high limit machines all the time you'd know of multipliers are added together or not. I don't play them, and I've never played them. And since you know all this stuff you must be an addict and you must have lost every dime you ever had which is why you post anonymously.

Yeah. Now I figured it out. You really are an anonymous busted gambler.


By the way, Chimp is a very attractive lady who wouldn't give you the time of day even if the watch on her wrist was broken.
You have already answered your question. Is it any wonder most look at you as a TARD?
Since he didn't have a 7500 but did have a 25k winner it would be safe to assume that it is 500x5x10. One doesn't have to know anything about the machine in order to draw the proper conclusions. Unless, of course, one is a TARD. it is mind bottling that you were once supposedly an investigative reporter.