I just had a discussion with a business associate about the threatened cutback in Saturday mail delivery. I told him it wouldn't have much impact on us because our office is closed on Saturday even though we often work on Saturdays. The mail wouldn't be processed -- checks wouldn't be deposited if they came in on Saturday even though the banks are open till 2pm.

But that got me to thinking about the old days. The real old days. Back in the 1950s. I remember when in New York City, office buildings had two mail deliveries each day... a morning delivery and an afternoon delivery... and a stamp cost 3-cents or 4-cents.

I haven't sent a letter by US Mail probably in five years. I don't remember paying a bill by check in the last year. I send emails, and pay bills through online banking.

If the Postal Service needs to stop Saturday deliveries for regular mail (packages will continue I heard) then it's okay with me. I hope that the Postal Service can handle the job cuts through regular attrition and no one will be forced off their jobs.