Every year, many traders hope to diversify their portfolios from the stock market with commodities. However, the commodity
market is very risky and many aspiring traders are left wondering how to make money trading commodities. Fortunately, trading
this market is made much easier through use of a bullish breakout trading method and a few simple rules.


Commodity Breakout Trading

# 1

Pull up a commodity price chart service on the Internet. You can use a free service like the one at maxcommodity.com, where you
can click the tab on the left column marked “Commodity Charts” and be taken to a selection of price charts for different
# 2

Scan the charts for commodities that are bullish, which means trending upwards. You can spot these commodities because their
price action will start at the lower left hand corner of the chart and travel into the direction of the upper right hand chart. Mark
any commodities that are trending in this manner.