When I first heard that a reporter was investigating Rob Singer I had high hopes that after more than a decade of obfuscation and misrepresentation the “undeniable truth” about Rob Singer might finally be revealed. But after an initial period where Alan appeared to be willing to question statements that ran counter to what Rob professed, it now appears that primarily applied when he was directly attacked. Alan’s recent comments have led me to believe that he does not possess the ability to be able to objectively analyze information that may run counter to his existing bias.

As much fun as it is watching Rob squirm from his obvious P-A-I-N in having his little fantasy world rocked by inconvenient facts, having a forum moderator who demonstrates his favoritism through an unequal meting out of justice and who actively attempts to undermine contrary opinions is not conducive to intellectual discourse. As such, from my standpoint this forum has “jumped the shark”, and this will be my final post.

This issue may be new to this forum, but the controversy has been raging for a decade or more. There are forum posts dating back to the mid 2000’s where Rob is posting that Arci dragged his wife to the smoky casinos and ruined her health as well as scores of occasions where people tried to obtain confirmation for a variety of Rob’s claims, none of which ever materialized. Despite the fact that this has gone one for so long I’ve never been able to find even one iota of reliable evidence that would verify a single thing Rob has ever promoted. Even on this forum promises he made to supply additional information have gone unfulfilled while characters of dubious legitimacy were effusive in their support of Rob. No matter what explanation you accept for his involvement with Jatki the end result of that incestuous relationship was that it was a covert effort to manipulate public opinion. When you consider all of this I believe there are many people that are absolutely astounded that Alan dismisses well-documented contrary opinions so easily while accepting Rob’s completely unsubstantiated statements as gospel.

Alan appears to require a “smoking gun” but life rarely hands out such a gift, in which case we can only rely on what is at hand. What Alan cavalierly referred to as “nit picking” shows the only pattern that has been consistent over the years; inconsistency. The fact that Rob can usually come up with a barely plausible, yet unlikely explanation for these discrepancies shows how easy it is to do so. Try it yourself; make up something and then try to come up with an explanation for it. You’ll be able to do so every time. All you need to do is ignore much of the critical information and use the classic “I don’t remember” or its companion “I didn’t keep exact track” or make another claim that is patently false while dodging as much as you can get away with, and BINGO! You’re exonerated.

Rob’s response to the pictures and the exceptional rate he hits high paying hands are prime examples of all of these. Despite claiming multiple IRS audits in the past and frequently advocating for the need to keep a gambling log with both wins and losses, (which would seem to be particularly important when claiming over $100,000 in wins in the past 18 months as Rob has), as well as his frequent statements about how infrequently he plays, he now claims he doesn’t keep track. While pushing the proposition that he carried multiple phones with him he completely ignored the issue that the majority of the file names showing his purported wins were out of sequence or were even in reverse order which suggests they were not taken on the dates stated, a fact accented by his more recently posted photo file names which are in perfect sequence. And even though he made a huge deal about some of the previous statements surrounding his play occurring while he was still playing “professionally”, (which, for some reason apparently meant they didn’t count), in the original source document, a mere two paragraphs below where he wrote about his phenomenal wins in 2010, he stated “I suppose one could say I actually surpassed the goal with the year I've had in 2010, but technically this year doesn't count. I am no longer a professional player”. Once you’ve accomplished the evasion portion you just engage in the Goebbelsesque tactic of constantly repeating the lie, for then it becomes true forever. And don’t forget to attack, attack, and then attack a little more anyone who has the audacity to question your greatness.

When reading Rob’s posts I can’t help but frequently think of the term overcompensation. I started conversing with other people online through local bulletin boards before the Internet existed and have been doing so ever since yet I’ve never encountered anyone who felt such a strong need to constantly promote their own existence. I would guess that many of the people reading this have visited other forums in the past, and while they may have encountered a single post here and there, I suspect that few, if any, have ever seen someone compelled to post on a near daily basis how fabulous, fulfilling, and intimate their spousal relationship was. It is a pattern that repeats itself frequently on a variety of topics. You’d be hard pressed to find a reference to Gambling Today where Rob, (or a mirror image of him), doesn’t include something about how it was “the most read column during the 7 ˝ years” he wrote it, a claim that would appear to be impossible to substantiate given that it was a free written publication that had no ability to track what articles people read. Regular readers of this forum may remember his frequent posting that he only played “1 ˝ hours every 10 days” and he even included that or a similar statement in 3 out of 5 paragraphs in one recent message, all of which appear to run counter to his latest statement that he doesn’t keep track of such things. And if he ever posts a link to another gambling forum it will invariably be accompanied by a statement that “someone sent me this”, probably inserted in no small part due to comments he’s made in the past about forum addiction going hand in hand with video poker addiction and his desire to distance himself from any implication that he regularly visits a number of forums, despite the fact that he is acutely aware of what is happening in every forum where gambling is discussed and when he does participate he posts at a staggering rate. While I really can’t state with any certainty either way regarding Rob’s video poker prowess, when it comes to self promotion and truthiness, Rob is a master.

As for Rob, if he actually did what he claims more power to him. If I had ever encountered even a small amount of documentable information that supported his claims I wouldn’t even be here now. But for all his rhetoric and rampant puffery the end result today is the same as it was 10 years ago; a multitude of claims that strain credulity with absolutely nothing to back it up. This isn’t just about “the math” or “special plays”; the reason there is such a large contingent that doesn’t believe he is being truthful is because they’ve never been given any reason to believe it. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof and in most peoples eyes 10 years of dodging requests to produce even a speck of proof speaks far louder than anything else. And contrary to what Rob likes to comfort himself by saying, you won’t find a single person who has ever existed that was envious of something they didn’t believe was true. It’s completely impossible considering the definition of the word.

Over the years there have been far more questions than answers, and if anyone ever decides to dig deeper to determine if Rob’s claims are true they may find any one of the following to be a good place to start. Keep in mind these are but a few of many potential questions that exist.

Continued below