Bob Dancer is desperately trying to save what's left of his brand after having been seriously wounded by a divorce--which saw him claim he left his medically-stricken wife rather than retire from his insatiable need to keep playing the vp machines. There's more to this story--as there almost always is in any Dancer story-telling column--but since his creation is already about as low a blow to decency as there can possibly be, we'll deservedly award that rendition all the recognition that it asks for.

Yesterday on vpFree, he talked about playing some secret "$800/hour play" next week. So I made a simple post asking if this were some kind of casino "error" or if not, why any casino would knowingly just "give away" free cash like that, since at that level, they would pretty much know in advance who would come in for it.

Well, that didn't go over so well with his baggage carrier Mickey Crimm, who, as a self-proclaimed alcoholic and yet another failed AP stuck in a small town in Montana telling more whopper-filled stories than Scotty of Scotty's Castle in Death Valley, came back at me and claimed it was "insignificant whether Bob wins or loses" on this promo. Yup, the guy must have been drunk again when he wrote that gem!

Of course I questioned that idiotic assessment, to which Dancer felt he just HAD to give another of his long, face-saving attempts at rescuing himself. Bottom line, no one DOESN'T CARE if they win or lose when playing the equivalent of a $10 machine @ 800 hph all day and night. And NO, it is not "insignificant". Every player goes in hoping more than it looks like they care to admit, THAT THEY WILL NOT LOSE! Claiming if you lose that you know you'll be alright "tomorrow" because the math "says so" is nothing more than feel-good confidence-building in a world of fantasy.

These video poker AP's....they're a dangerous breed.