Probably the most controversial part about the game of casino craps is whether or not there are really "dice controllers" or "dice influencers" or players who somehow can throw the casino dice to alter what would otherwise be random results.

I think it is okay to try to influence the dice, and according to gaming regulators in various states it is "okay" and "legal" to set the dice and throw them in a measured or controlled way as long as the dice hit the table surface and hit the back wall of the craps table. The entire game is based on giving the players the opportunity to throw the dice to hit the numbers that will benefit them.

About twenty years ago a movement developed where certain people claimed that they not only could influence or control the dice but that they could help others learn this skill and also influence or control the dice.

Frankly, I have no problem with anyone trying this. I try to influence or control the dice. When I am the shooter at the game of craps I want the dice to hit numbers that will benefit me. I have tried to keep the dice on axis, and to minimize the bounce and speed of my throw, all with the idea of limiting the possible "end combinations" of the dice when they come to rest on the table.

As part of the debate about dice control and dice influence there have been "reports" about terrific feats or terrific "hands" at craps. These reports about magnificent results have become center-stage in the debate. And I don't think they should be center stage or even a concern in the debate.

Great "hands" and great "rolls" have happened and they will happen again. Craps is a random game and amazing things can happen when you least expect them. If you play enough and spend enough time watching the game, you will also see amazing things.

I have seen the "Fire Bet" pay off on all six numbers. I personally have thrown "five numbers" on the fire bet, and I have thrown "four numbers" numerous times.

I was once at a table where a "random shooter" threw an "Eleven" or "Yo" 18 times in a row -- and people have said I was either lying, exaggerating or hallucinating or simply counted wrong. But it doesn't matter -- because I have nothing to show for that feat since I nor either of the other two players at the table (including the shooter) even had one dollar bet on the Yo the entire time.

Whenever we talk about "results" or what happened with a shooter, we have to separate "history" from the "ability to do it again."

As recently as this past March I was at a table where a random shooter threw a number "8" no less than six times in a row-- some were hard 8s (4 and 4) and some where "soft eights" a combination 5 and 3 or 6 and 2. There was also a shooter at the next table who threw numerous 8s in a hand that lasted more than an hour -- but again a random shooter. And don't forget my (now infamous) report about a random shooter who threw a Yo (eleven) 18 times in a row.

The reality is these things can happen. The history of craps can be filled with reports and events such as these. Some of the these great hands and rolls are well documented by the casinos and the media -- but some are not.


What we should be concerned with are claims that these fantastic events can be repeated by design by so-called dice influencers or dice controllers.

I can absolutely accept that someone rolled 23 6s out of 28 throws of the dice... or any variation thereof. Stuff happens. Crazy things happen. What we might call "miracles" can happen at a craps table. But what I cannot accept is that these things happened by design or that they can be repeated again by design.

This doesn't mean that one should not try "dice influencing" or "dice control" but it does mean that we should all be aware that so far (repeat: SO FAR) no one has ever demonstrated any particular feat BY DESIGN.

To the best of my knowledge there is not one self proclaimed DI or DC who can say "I am going to throw a hard 6 right now" and does it and can do it again by design and can do that again on demand much like a major league baseball pitcher can throw a fast ball into the strike zone over and over again on demand.

And if there is a DI or DC who can demonstrate to me that they can throw any dice combination on demand (and repeat that) I'll put them on my TV show. Because only when these throws can be made on demand does someone really have dice control or is a dice influencer.

Of course, dice control and dice influence is just part of the broader category of "advantage play" in casinos.

I think everyone should go to a casino and take advantage of offers including free play, and free or discounted hotel rooms or other benefits that come with recorded play as part of membership in a players' club or slot club.

But I think casino-goers must be careful about understanding that so-called "advantage players" are few and can have true advantage play only in certain games.

In blackjack you can have advantage play when you have the ability to "count cards" but that advantage shows itself only when the "count" favors you, the player.

In video poker you can have advantage play when you find a video poker game with a favorable or positive pay table but your advantage from that paytable or free play or other benefits is still susceptible to the "luck of the draw" that comes from a random number generator.

In poker games you can have an advantage from years or experience and knowing the odds of certain draws, but again your advantage is limited by the shuffle and the deal and the draws and the luck other players have.

The bottom line is that you should use skills and abilities when you bet real money in a casino and you should take advantage of offers and benefits.

But while there are "advantages" within reach, remember that there is no guarantee that the results of the past will repeat in the future.