Unfortunately, over the past three days we have been bombarded with posts to our Forums for pornography and other inappropriate subject matter. We are deleting the offensive posts as quickly as we can. But it appears that certain "spam mills" in foreign countries as well as the USA, have spread the word that our site is open for free posts and they are taking advantage of us with their garbage. If we can't control it, I will remove our Forums. Frankly, I was hoping more of our regular website visitors would make use of the Forums, but you haven't. We're disappointed. We invested time and money to make the Forums possible and if only the spammers are going to use it, we will just have to cut our losses and take them down off the web. We thought by now many of you would use our free Forums to advertise your garage sales and discuss your shopping tips, favorite restaurants, share car info and more. It appears that you just want our info without sharing what you know, and that's a shame. Regards, Alan