How hip, rad, hot can you make financial news? Can you fill stock market analysis reports with "like this" and "an awesome stock" and "you guys should invest in this" and whatever? Well, there is one broadcast company that is looking for that combination. Greenlaw-Marshall is advertising for a "Gen Y Financial Anchor." I take that to mean they want a financial report suitable for the MTV crowd.

Here is part of what their online advertisement for this position says:

"Steering from the monotone delivery of stuffy news coverage, and eliminating the congestion that defines most online news organizations, this unique experience will introduce brisk, insightful short-form media conveyed by recognizably non-traditional Gen Y talent. 

As we cater to the Millennial demographic, your role will require you to balance the tone and temperament necessary to embrace and engage the target audience, and to provide a fresh, dynamic face for a very human brand."

Ironically, the ad continues to indicate that they want someone with a Masters Degree in Finance for a BA/BS in journalism with experience.

Hip/Rad/Hot financial news with plenty of like this, awesome picks... yes, that will be interesting.