Does anyone lay bet the 6th point on the fire bet in craps after it is established? Or even after the 5th point is established?

Five points towards the fire bet have been made with a $1 wager locking up a $250 win. Then, say the 9 is needed and established for the 6th point and a $1000 win if repeated.
At this point in the past I have lay betted $300 on the no 9, not wanting the shooter to seven out but hedging the fire.
If he makes the nine I would make a net $700 instead of $1000, but if he sevens out I make $450 instead of $250. Either way I'm golden. Does anyone else hedge or do you let it ride? And, if the wager is more than a dollar I would be even more inclined to do this. Also, when making this bet I whisper it to the dealer to not offend or come off like a killjoy.