I am the first to admit that "milking" the casinos by taking advantage of the "free" offers and "free play" and "free rooms" can't last forever unless you also decide to open your own wallets.

I have often criticized those players who would check into multiple Vegas properties on the same days to take advantage of simultaneous offers. I criticized them because the "math" would eventually catch up with them and the casinos would reduce offers or even eliminate them if the "play" wasn't what was expected.

Recently it's been happening to me: over the past couple of months I have been playing less of my own money and relying on casino offers of free play, and now the free play offers are rapidly dropping in value.

I received my July offers for a CET-run property in San Diego (Rincon) and these were based on my play in May. To be honest, my play was very low in May. I could see it was very low because my "bounce back" money was very low. And now the offers are very low for July which is based on play in May.

The offers for July are so low, in fact, that with the exception of maybe one day during the month when I can combine a few offers, it doesn't pay for me to go. My "weekly" free play has dropped to $40 which isn't going to even cover my gas expense if I run it through an 8/5 Bonus or 8/5 Aces and Faces game.

There are some "Sunday" offers for $120 of free play but combined with the weekly $40 it's just $160 of free play and while I have a chance at covering my gas expense and maybe a fast-food stop or tip on my weekly $60 free meal allowance, it is still "tight" to make it work.

I was not surprised by this and was expecting it.

Meanwhile, my offers in Vegas are still valued at about $1,000 per trip and that makes it more likely that I might do one trip to Vegas by car than weekly "day trips" to a local casino. Of course going to Vegas once a month is being "optimistic" because it takes more time for a "Vegas trip" I don't necessarily have the time to plan ahead for them.

I should point out that I started to lower my play once I reached 7Stars again. So it will be "slow going" for the rest of 2014.