For those that like to read about craps rolls:

Last night I had the best roll of my life. I don't get to play craps a lot, I've probably played less than 100 hours in my life, but I do enjoy it.

I stepped up to the table that was busy but not full. The first young woman at the end of the table hit three points before 7 out, which started building up my rack. I'm a pass line with odds bettor.

The next guy was unremarkable, he might have hit one point.

Then the guy next to me started rolling. He rolls for at least half an hour. He was very methodical about how he rolled. Positioning the dice and holding them just right. If someone was doing something dumb on the other end of the table he would wait. I didn't mind him being slow since he was avoiding the 7 when it mattered and hitting points. He managed to hit a lot of 7's with the point off and then a lot of 5s and 9s and craps. A few people were playing the horn and doing quite well.

After he'd made a couple points, I started to loosen up bit and placed the 6 and 8 and started betting a come bet with odds. Once I'd gotten paid once or twice more, I increased to 2 come bets with odds.

I had put up a couple hard ways and he paid them for me as well.

In the end I think he hit 3 points and a lot of come bets for me, so I was feeling pretty good when I got the dice.

I always put a dollar on the fire bet which I'd done on the previous shooters and now for myself.

I started rolling with a pass line bet. I made the point 6 and placed the 8. Within a few rolls I made the 6. Big smile.

Then I set the point to 5 or 9. A few more rolls and I made the point. Maybe this is my night.

Now I decided it was time to loosen up with my rack at least doubled from my buy in. I threw a 7 or two in the come out roll.

Then I established the other point of 5 or 9. I started making 1 come bet at a time waiting until it was paid and I added the hard 4 and 10. I kept rolling bouncing around the numbers occasionally paying my come bet and the hard ways. After 2 or three rolls I placed the 5 and 6 and added another come bet.

Now I kept adding come bets and putting on odds and then I hit the point.

Whoah, 3 points to the fire bet.

I then came out on the 6, doh. But I kept my odds on during the come out and got paid for doing so. A few rolls later, with come bets paying off and being replaced, I made the 6. Big cheers. The guys next to me keeps encouraging me and reminding to take my time and relax. He runs off and buys me a beer. However I decide I don't want to mess up my groove and won't touch it until I'm done.

Again I kept my odds on during my come out but this time lost them to a 7. A few rolls later and I establish the 4. At this point I have come bets on every number but the 10 (for some reason I never rolled a 10). So I place a 10. I also start playing 2 way hard ways on the 6 and 8 as well.

A few more rolls with chips rolling in, hitting occasional hard ways (the other end of the table was pressing up hard ways quite a bit), and I hit the 4. Hey my first time getting paid on the fire for my own roll.

I decide not to have my odds working for this come out. Good thing cause I hit a 7. Then I setup the 9, doh. I needed the 8 or 10. At this point I've got every bet out there I've ever made on a craps table (except the field but I avoid that and the horn). So I increase my line odds.

A few more rolls and I hit the 9.

On this come out roll I finally establish the 8. The 5th fire point.

I roll a bunch more times but finally seven out.

What an amazing roll. I've never rolled that long in my life and my rack has multiplied many times over. I also notice that my shoulder is quite warm from throwing.

Oddly enough, no one at the table was doing place bets with aggressive pressing. They would have made a killing I think. Although I wasn't doing a lot of repeated rolls, my rolls kept ranging on the 4,5,6,8,9 which is why my come bets did really well.

There was also a couple don't players next to me and I was happy to see them get killed by my roll and at some point they left (didn't notice when during my roll they left). However I did notice that with the previous shooter, there was one time that the pass line won and then he threw a 7 on the come out and they won some of their odds bets. I wasn't sure how that got setup but found it intriguing that we could both win. Maybe those bets had been there from the previous shooter.