The new $10 bill will include a woman's portrait. Yes, she will co-star with Alexander Hamilton but it's not known if they will share the stage together or if Alexander Hamilton will be in the foreground or the background. I am going to make a guess that Hamilton will be in the background.

I wouldn't rule out the idea that the woman will be on the front with Hamilton on the back. That design might make our currency a bit more artsy.

The woman must be deceased. And the Treasury Department is open to suggestions.

Because the woman must be deceased we will not have a Kardashian on the new $10s... but I think putting a Kardashian on the $10 bill would insult them.

The announcement by the Secretary of the Treasury today eliminates hopes that Ronald Reagan might find a place on our currency -- but I am still holding out hope that he will show up on a new $500 bill or perhaps a redesign of the $100 bill.

The new $10 bill will have the "tactile design" that will help those who have vision problems. You can read more about that in my original report from September 30, 2013 about the $10 redesign here:

I also discuss a Ronald Reagan $500 bill on that page.

Personally, I hope they get away from "political figures" and put a woman reflecting American culture on the $10 bill. In many cities you can still buy a movie ticket for $10 so how about a Hollywood Star like Marilyn Monroe on the $10? How about Elizabeth Taylor -- not only one of the most famous and beautiful women of all time but also a Jewish woman. A natural would be Vivien Leigh in costume from Gone With The Wind -- now that would make for a great $10 bill.

I am also curious if the tactile devices -- the bumps -- on the $10 bill will interfere with bill acceptor machines?

I think the plan is still for the new $10 bill to come out in 2020. And who knows what could happen by then? Maybe the Kardashians will change the law so they can be on the new tens by then.