Yes, you can start your own business because there are wholesalers and manufacturers that want to set up individuals as retailers for their merchandise. On our "Business Opportunities" page at you can read about some of these companies. What they would like you to do is either open up your own flea market or swap meet store, or take orders in your office building or workplace and they'll fill the orders as they come in.

The benefit of this is that you don't have to buy a lot of inventory to get started and in many cases you don't have to buy any inventory at all -- just take orders and get them filled.

This is a win-win situation. And if you don't want to do this for a profit, do it as a fundraiser for your Church or school or charity.

In this economy a lot of business want new outlets to sell their products and there is nothing wrong with taking the merchandise right inside office buildings or to swap meets or Church events.