Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
The $1 discount on a $70 entree is a joke, and in fact is a tacky embarrassment for what is supposed to be fine dining.

They should either give a real discount (10% or more) for the upper tiers, or just not give one at all.

You ask "How much more do you want?"

It's not about what I want.

Giving a discount at these restaurants to the higher tier members is smart business. Players like to feel special, and they like to feel like the status they earned (by losing money) is paying them back in some way. Saving money on things such as restaurant bills goes a long way to convince the customer he's coming out ahead in the long run, when in reality he's not.

On the flip side, beating the customer in the casino and then overcharging him at the on-property restaurant is not a way to earn repeat business.
Unfortunately Dan, I think the casinos have figured out that they don't need to make us feel special. They think we will keep coming back and it looks like we do. You have to remember that Vegas is not about gambling anymore. You walk around and there are a million tourists with kids taking in the sights and overpaying for food and drink, but there is very little gambling going on among those tourists. Most of the gambling is done by a smaller group of hard core gamblers.

As I have stated, I really no longer partake because I don't like this Vegas. Apparently, there aren't enough of us who quit to alarm anyone.