I suppose it is true a hustler wouldn't hustle a hustler! Anyone who knows me or read my posts knows I don't believe that. Let's not even think about the underworld or criminals. Let's look at your average, run of the mill church goer or do gooder. How much proof do people need to see that your neighbor is screwing your wife or daughter. How about all the murdering going on that is solved? Now realize how many murders go unsolved or aren't even investigated. Children molested... the list goes on and on. However these gambling forums and its members want me to believe that all the honest APs and incredibly honest do gooders of society mixed up in the gambling lifestyle. I need more data to be swayed. If your really in the gaming industry or around it long enough you'll find that it's nothing but horrible individuals, including my own self. How can it not be? It's a sub culture and it's already proven that mainstream society is completely dispicable but so many gambling forum members preach honesty and morality. You have to admit it is hilarious if you look at it from an honest, objective point of view.