Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
I'm still wondering why Rob Stringer is allowed to post here...
You and me both RS. I get that some people want a forum where people are free to post whatever is on there mind, free of censorship. In theory, that is great. But there is a difference in people having differing opinions (good), and someone who's only intention is to be disruptive and as nasty as they can possible be (bad), Allowing these types of troll and there is no other word for these bitter old men, only diminishes any site and discourages growth and new members. Every site seems to have a couple of these bitter old guys lately.

It confuses me as to what this site is supposed to be? Dan Druff seems like a reasonable guy. He explained the history of the site, that it started as Alan's site related to his infomercial business, but most of the conversation turned to gambling topics. I guess Alan had an anything goes policy. But when Someone else takes over and renames the site "Vegas Casino Talk", it would seem like the intent was to turn the page and have a legitimate site about gambling and AP topics. But that doesn't seem to be the intent. There doesn't seem to be any turning the page or interest in growth. Just a few bitter old trolls doing their thing....being nasty and disruptive and discouraging any kind of possible growth and/or new members.