This whiny snowflake attention whore doesn’t get what he feels is the appropriate attention from me and gets his feelings hurt…
“And people well mostly James40, mocked me, so now I share those updates in private when people ask. I still am having trouble with that. Mocking someone over their recovery from open heart surgery. I know the world's changing, going to hell, but, I don't know.... ”
The whiny bitch goes on...
“I mean look at James40's opening post to this thread where he says "no health updates?". I am recovering from open heart surgery and he mocks me and my recovery from such a major health crisis. That is about the lowest thing I can think of. I don't know that I have ever been a part of anything that low, anywhere. But that's what vegas casino talk is I guess.”
Never been part of anything that low. What bullshit…
Here’s his quotes to a guy that says he’s dying of cancer…
“Where is blackhole? hopefully he kicked. ”
The asshole adds a smiley face….
Then the prick adds to the same cancer victim…
“Fuck you asshole. Die already!”.
Never been part of anything that low? You can tell a cancer victim to die and I’m mocking you by not buying your fucking attention whoring posts? Fuck you, lying prick.
Mickey, before you jump in here to defend your boy, just know I support your right to love whomever you choose. I’ll save you the time and tell myself to fuck off and die.