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Thread: PM Alan Mendelson and LarryS

  1. #1
    I've been on this forum a long time, and presumably have interacted with a fair number of people.

    My integrity and veracity have been called into question by Alan Mendelson and LarryS. So here's what I suggest:

    1) Anyone who has posted with me.
    2) Anyone who has PM'ed me.
    3) Anyone who has met me in person.

    If I have attempted to sign up anyone as a client, recruit anyone as a client, or pitched myself to anyone, or if anyone has ever been a client, please PM Alan Mendelson and LarryS with the relevant posts, PM's, or live meeting story, and tell them that they were absolutely correct.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. #2
    by posting anywhere and having your name known, and continually talking about publications that your were in easily allows people to locate you and your service without providing a sales pitch...its sort of like a passive aggressive sales pitch. Nothing wrong with that.....if I had a business I would try to get free advertising as well.

  3. #3
    I went 2000 posts without mentioning a word until Mr. Singer decided he outranked everyone on the site with his gambling expertise. How about this, LarryS? If anyone falls for my passive aggressive sales pitch, and references this forum, I'll pass the proceeds onto you. You can stay anonymous, and I'll just send check(s) to Todd for you to pick up at your convenience.

    On the other hand, I will advertise my website here when I get it up and running. No sales, no ads of any kind from anyone, no forum, and most of it is not about sports betting. Non-capitalism at its finest.
    Last edited by redietz; 12-21-2017 at 06:06 PM.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    by posting anywhere and having your name known, and continually talking about publications that your were in easily allows people to locate you and your service without providing a sales pitch...its sort of like a passive aggressive sales pitch. Nothing wrong with that.....if I had a business I would try to get free advertising as well.
    Larry, you don't know the history here. Redeitz talked a little sports betting for years here but never let on about what he did for a living. He started getting heavily trolled here by Rob Singer about being a nothing nobody who's opinion doesn't matter on anything. It wasn't just one post either. Singer trolled him continuously on it. Redietz divulged a little information and Singer called him every name in the book but a truth teller. So Redietz went about proving he was a college football handicapper with a proven track record. The only reason he did it was to prove Singer wrong. And for doing so he now gets to be trolled by you as someone cruising the forums looking for clients. There is no end to trollery is there? You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  5. #5
    once i found out he is a self proclaimed investment counselor and not a football opinion definitely has changed.

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    once i found out he is a self proclaimed investment counselor and not a football opinion definitely has changed.
    Twisting things around is a way of life with you. Where did he say he was an investment councelor? And why do you think he needs to be trolled by you? Are you just picking up where your troll buddy onehit left off?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Are you just picking up where your troll buddy onehit left off?
    Singer finally gets banned and Onehit, who had been mostly a silent member (little controversy), steps up, and starts spewing the exact same anti-AP rhetoric, attacking the very same people.

    OneHit gets banned and two days later LarryS, suddenly joins from the garbage site, where he has been talking to himself and MrV for months, trying to discredit the very same group of people.

    So, who's next? Who is on deck?

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Are you just picking up where your troll buddy onehit left off?
    Singer finally gets banned and Onehit, who had been mostly a silent member (little controversy), steps up, and starts spewing the exact same anti-AP rhetoric, attacking the very same people.

    OneHit gets banned and two days later LarryS, suddenly joins from the garbage site, where he has been talking to himself and MrV for months, trying to discredit the very same group of people.

    So, who's next? Who is on deck?
    We haven't heard from the "donkey" in a while.

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by regnis View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Are you just picking up where your troll buddy onehit left off?
    Singer finally gets banned and Onehit, who had been mostly a silent member (little controversy), steps up, and starts spewing the exact same anti-AP rhetoric, attacking the very same people.

    OneHit gets banned and two days later LarryS, suddenly joins from the garbage site, where he has been talking to himself and MrV for months, trying to discredit the very same group of people.

    So, who's next? Who is on deck?
    We haven't heard from the "donkey" in a while.
    Whose the Donkey?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  10. #10
    That Lone star horse guy among other names. I think Coach aptly named him the donkey

  11. #11
    Just a quick reminder. All of you folks who have been clients of mine or who have been approached or solicited to do so, please PM Alan Mendelson and LarryS at the first opportunity. I would hate for them to head into 2018 without verification that they are right.

  12. #12
    I'm switching to Dan Druff now anyway as he is red hot. I no longer require your services.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Just a quick reminder. All of you folks who have been clients of mine or who have been approached or solicited to do so, please PM Alan Mendelson and LarryS at the first opportunity. I would hate for them to head into 2018 without verification that they are right.
    Red, let it go my friend. You long ago proved your case. Just like I have now proven my case by having numerous experienced and well know successful card counters comment that they to track multiple tables.

    And what has changed for either of us. Most reasonable and objective people knew the truth...figured it out for themselves a while ago. All we both have done is a futile exercise of trying to convince a few trolls of something they will never accept and they will never accept any 'proof'. THAT is what a troll is and does. All we have done, both you and I, is empower them (feed the trolls).

    My New Years resolution: no more feeding and empowering the trolls. These guys have a agenda, to destroy this site and discredit certain members, AP members, and Redietz, whether you consider yourself an AP or not, you are on the "target list".

    These trolls have a deep bench. When one is knocked out (banned), another immediately fills that void. And they are going to keep coming and keep attacking. Rather than "feeding them" and giving them the attention they crave, we can dis-empower them simply by ignoring them. Leave them to sit and babble to themselves, because that really is what they are doing. Most objective people and members figure out the truth pretty early on. It's like I always say, "It doesn't take that much to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who is just talking".

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by regnis View Post
    I'm switching to Dan Druff now anyway as he is red hot. I no longer require your services.

    He's so hot, I have to wear shades.

  15. #15
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    KJ, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    You call others trolls while overlooking the fact that you enjoy trolling / attacking as well.

    Your conspiracy theory about the trolls plotting and scheming to create a trollish world would be hysterical were it not for the fact that you actually seem to believe it.

    You attack those who disagree with you, who have crossed you, who disagree with your AP agenda.

    I've got news for you: the anti-AP posts are no less permissible than the rah-rah pro-AP posts.

    There are very few rules on this board, which means that the proverbial "line" which cannot be crossed is amorphous and difficult to discern.

    So just shut the fuck up about banning people for trolling; christ on a crutch you're like a whining little school girl.
    What, Me Worry?

  16. #16
    MC Rediez and KJ would rather attack the poster rather than have a cogent debate.

    I guess thats what happens when brain power fails, and there is nothing left to do.

    for some people they see a strong argument that they disagree with..and they provide a strong counterpoint

    for others they see a strong argument.....and they wilt and can only bitch and moan about the personality or the intent of the poster. That is the cowards way out. The way out for the ill prepared. The way out for the mentally weak.

    on day 1 KJ called me an asshole....and I just smile. I dont need that deleted or ounishment to be inflicted....I just take it to be a sign of weakness.

    now its time for me to go outside and smoke a few. Even though I know they are a strain on society, useless, and horrid......its a habit I enjoy.

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