Originally Posted by
coach belly
If the truth is that you're constantly fibbing, then you're lying about fibbing.
I need Garnabby to sort this out.
I need Garnabby to sort this out.
Abortion in the US by state
Subordination (set theory)
Ohio Graduation Tests
Ride on Shooting Star
The Son (Diatribe Song)
Big Boy Restaurant
It looks like there are still 67 Big Boy locations in the United States, according to their website.
North Dakota-1
Michigan was the 26th State, California the 31st, Ohio the 17th, Nevada 36th and North Dakota the 39th.
58 + 26 + 5 + 31 + 2 + 17 + 1 + 36 + 1 + 39 = 216
Big Boy was founded on August 6, 1936.
1936-216 = 1720.
This was the month that the South Sea Company hit its historical peak price, August, 1720. Richard Woodruff was the inspiration for the Big Boy logo. Woodruff, at the age of
six years old walked into a Big Boy while Bob Wian was trying to think of a name for his new burger, looking at Woodruff he said, "Hello, Big Boy."