I suppose I should set some ground rules regarding 108AH.

According to game rules, there will be 250,000 semi-rare pieces for the $1,000,000 cash prize, and just 2 rare pieces.

The rare piece is clearly 108AH.

Therefore, I don't want to see posts requesting 108AH.


I counted my game pieces and have 250 total pieces, of the 250...50 have the 1,000,000 cash prize pieces

my count of the 1,000,000 cash prize pieces are:

101AA x 8
102AB x 5
103AC x 8
104AD x 14
105AE x 10
106AF x 7
107AG x 8


now when I was sorting the mess of tickets, I went by the A.00A / B / C / D ticket number on the bottom of the ticket turns out the ticket numbers range from A.00A to A.99D ticket numbers. I think there are 400 ticket number in all. The only missing generic number ticket I have is A.26 A or B or C or D versions. So I think the ticket number A.26 are the winning ticket numbers. I dont have all A,B,C,D variations.

I just dont think there is a semi-rare ticket for 1,000,000 cash my sample of 250 tickets and the multiples I have are not consistant with the semi-rare tickets. I do have 1 semi rare ticket non 1,000,000 in the pile somewhere.