Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
and sometimes progress is moved along a little faster than usual if the right motivation is in place.

the walmart workers who staged the protests across the country for wage increases helped to nudge progress along

walmart was well motivated to find a way to make up the extra expense.....and then some
You are such a fucking moron LarryS... everyone knows that Walmart and shopping at Walmart supporting that business is bad for society in general. You are complaining about the wrong things.

Some reasons why you shouldn't shop at Walmart...

1. Money leaves the community
2. Less product variety
3. Impact on food supply
4. Local character
5. Foreign labor, including child workers
6. It’s bad for women
It’s estimated that about 50 percent of Walmart’s goods are manufactured overseas. And people who make those items may be working in dangerous facilities,
or being terribly underpaid. One example is Bangladesh. In 2015, the minimum wage for industry workers was $37 per month and conditions were routinely unsafe.
7. You’re at Walmart’s mercy
8. Poorly run stores

LarryS is Moron... go sprinkle some more fairy dust around the world and internet. I know he is a Jew but I am pretty sure he is a Fag as well.