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Thread: Kentry, if you're going to talk shit,

  1. #1
    At least get your facts straight. You have said multiple times that "You were banned from WOV the very next day after you posted that you lost half your paycheck in tight slots," that wasn't the case. Your last thread that got you permanently banned was a thread claiming you bought something in a store that was defective when you tried it. That was your last thread, not the losing money thread. It was even mentioned that this thread should not have had it's own thread and should have been put in the Miscellaneous Thread. The defective item thread seemed to have been the last straw that broke the Camel's back and that's why you were nuked in my educated theory.
    Last edited by Tasha; 07-27-2018 at 03:51 AM.

  2. #2
    funny that the person who gives out lottery picks.......has an "educated theory"

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    funny that the person who gives out lottery picks.......has an "educated theory"
    To be fair, I stopped making Lottery Numbers predictions.

  4. #4
    Ok, so who is Kentry? I thought I read Tasha/Nathan was kentry reincarnated. Tasha says no. Is Kentry WoN/StricklyAP? I need a score card. I never really followed this drama closely enough to know what was going on.

  5. #5
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Tasha is Nathan.

    Nathan is vouched for by the wiz, but many of us, myself included, suspect Nathan is a sock.

    Sometimes her posts seem those of a child, other times an educated adult.

    This inconsistency is the giveaway.

    Whatever or whoever Nathan really is, the person obviously "has issues."
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Ok, so who is Kentry? I thought I read Tasha/Nathan was kentry reincarnated. Tasha says no. Is Kentry WoN/StricklyAP? I need a score card. I never really followed this drama closely enough to know what was going on.
    I am not Kentry!

  7. #7
    does the video
    the incident with WoN where he didnt see who he expected at the slot machine
    the vouching by manboy

    give you pause to believe

    I mean is it possible that there are actually adults that act like retards out know, people with no self respect that would hang around in a community where they are the town hall punching bag and take it.
    Maybe there are really people out there like know, someone who goes through life being laughed at.....yet like the energizer bunny keep on keeping on.

    you are probably saying to yourself.....only a dunce, a moron, a retard would put up with all that and continue to stay where he/she isnt wanted

    but all I can say is I am starting to actually think she s really a moron without a clue of where she fits in....and not an all knowing genius troll with an agenda.

    There are cases where two people of equal inferior IQ get together and lead a nice life together.....Possibly Kentry and Nathan will find that path. Right now they are in a little lovers quarrel ...but soon enough they will see that they were made for each other.

  8. #8
    To be fair, I asked WON what he looked like when we agreed to meet up at Gulfstream Park Casino and he ignored my question. Only like one person pointed out I was ignored when I made this sensible request. :/

  9. #9
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    As Todd Rundgren sang: "The love between the uglies is the most beautiful love of all."
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #10
    Tasha agreed to have a phone call with me, where I would question her, and verify she is really the poster she claims to be.

    Then I never went through with actually doing it.

    But if it would help, I can actually make this call happen, and maybe that will put some concerns to rest.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  11. #11
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    It would be best if you used one of those apps where you can see each other while conversing.

    She posted a pic of herself at WoV; I'd say if the image you see and hear yakking at you matches the pic she claimed was her then "case closed."

    I didn't bookmark her pic: perhaps she'll email it to you?

    Note: she's a fairly big boned black girl.
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #12
    She did a video a little while back mentioning both this forum and WoV.

    It was a "bigger" black woman doing the video.

    However, that doesn't necessarily prove anything, because the woman in the video could easily be the wife/gf/friend of the actual user of the account.

    I know there was the situation where Wizard of Nothing went and showed up to see Nathan (believing it to be a guy) and only saw "a big black woman" there, but that does at least give validation to this person being the one behind the Tasha/Nathan account.

    However, again, this could have been a plant. A guy could be behind the account and simply told his black female friend to hang out at a certain machine at a certain time.

    With a phone call, I believe I can get to the bottom of all this.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Ok, so who is Kentry? I thought I read Tasha/Nathan was kentry reincarnated. Tasha says no. Is Kentry WoN/StricklyAP? I need a score card. I never really followed this drama closely enough to know what was going on.
    I am not Kentry!
    I didn't say you were. I said that I read somewhere (WoV) that you were and not being very invested in this whole discussion/situation, that stuck with me.

    Fact is....I need cliff notes as to this whole situation. MrV, you seem like the guy for the job. Can you give me (not my typical post length) but like a 2 paragraph summery of what is going on and who these players are?

  14. #14
    I do find it strange that Kentry and Tasha/Nathan materialized around the same time, both live in the same general location(?) Both like to play min amounts penny slots(slotting), both ride the bus, both make up strange stories, both seem to attract people who like asking for money, both live on a limited budget, I believe they both lived with their mom at the same time. When I compared their writing using writing comparison program it came up with very high matching rate(it said, don't be stupid, stupid, of course, this is the same person).
    We know Nathan/Tasha likes pretending to be a boy online. I'm sure there are many more coincidences.

    There is overwhelming evidence Tasha/ Nathan made at least one other sockpuppet I know of during her suspention.

    Tasha knows she can't ever admit to sockpuppetry.

    Her constant new threads were a tad annoying, but now that she has her own corner I don't really care because I think she is harmless and she is one of the politest characters on the forums.

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    you are probably saying to yourself.....only a dunce, a moron, a retard would put up with all that and continue to stay where he/she isnt wanted.
    Larry, you are a dunce, moron, retard. You are not wanted here. Please do the right thing and go away.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I do find it strange that Kentry and Tasha/Nathan materialized around the same time, both live in the same general location(?) Both like to play min amounts penny slots(slotting), both ride the bus, both make up strange stories, both seem to attract people who like asking for money, both live on a limited budget, I believe they both lived with their mom at the same time. When I compared their writing using writing comparison program it came up with very high matching rate(it said, don't be stupid, stupid, of course, this is the same person).
    We know Nathan/Tasha likes pretending to be a boy online. I'm sure there are many more coincidences.

    There is overwhelming evidence Tasha/ Nathan made at least one other sockpuppet I know of during her suspention.

    Tasha knows she can't ever admit to sockpuppetry.

    Her constant new threads were a tad annoying, but now that she has her own corner I don't really care because I think she is harmless and she is one of the politest characters on the forums.
    All that Bullshit and you end the post with... I don't care and she is harmless and one of the politest characters on the forums. Fuck Off!

  17. #17
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    There are two unanswered questions here: Is Nathan / Tasha what she claims to be (a naive black woman), and why is she bothering to post at WoV?

    AW summed up the back story.

    His use of a "writing comparison program" (I'd no idea those were available to we mere mortals) helps confirm a "red flag" I'd noticed about the inconsistencies of Nathan's writings; at times she seems a vapid, clueless dolt who cannot write above a junior high school level, and at others she writes at an adult level.

    It boggles the mind to think that she may in fact be a troll created by a disgruntled WoVer; I guess it is the uncertainty which irks me.

    If in fact she's genuine, I still ask myself "Why post lotto bullshit at a math-based site? Why not go to one of the other sites which are more receptive to such innumerate nonsense?"

    She seems not to be interested in "learning" anything new about gambling at WoV, as suggestions roll off her like water off a duck, so I assume she's there to entertain herself, to stir things up.

    Is there an agenda, or is she just a babbling bonehead?

    The jury is still out.
    Last edited by MisterV; 07-28-2018 at 09:39 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #18
    I find it odd that she acts like a schoolgirl arguing with kentry and takes exception to hs comments.

    But her response to me after I called her a retard, dunce and moron was to reference my comment about her meeting WoN.

    so she takes exception to kentry yet with me its seems I deserve a calm factual response.

    which would point t the fact that she is a retard dunce and moron


    is a calculated troll.

    whatever she is...she is getting responses and alot of responses at that on this site and wov from people that dislike her

    proving once again that

    She is a moronic retard


    a calculated troll

    BUT whichever one she/he is.........the real truth is that me, you and everyone else give her what she is looking for.....RESPONSES.

    so if you want her to goaway....the answer is ....ignore her. EVEN A RETARD WILL GO AWAY AFTER BEING IGNORED

    AND a troll lives for the responses

    so as we complain about why doesnt she go away......we have only ourselves to blame. We dont need dan to investigate. we just simply make believe he/she is dead.

    make believe she was killed buying lottery tickets at a dive liquor store.

  19. #19
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Sure, but the same argument holds true for all the other trolls.

    Face it: most of us feel somewhat compelled to feed the fuckers.

    One can only hope they choke on it.
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #20
    Mr. V, I thought you were my friend. You degrading me and belittling me is really hurtful and shocking to me.

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