in viewing the politically correct world we live in. after seeing people like teachers or store managers, or policemen, politicians, lose their jobs because of what they tweet, or post on facebook, or even kind of makes more clear the position of Mr V....and those like him on these type boards.

I am like MrV.......highly educated, great well paying job (till i retired last year), family. savings....the american dream in a way.
There are not many people like us on these boards with jobs that are tied to the public while working for others that of course dont want bad publicity.

So thats where me and Mr V part company. I can and have been vocal on alot of political and social issues.over the years and I have been anonymous.
My true opinions, right or wrong.
During these last 20 years or so.....there is little chance of a patient of mine, or a non patient who just knows where I work sending my rants to a newspaper or corporate office, or posting them on social media. A sure professional disaster for me and for the company I would work for at the time.

However look at V. He has his picture out there. On wov and more recently here. So what if a disgruntled client or clients spouse who is pissed off, stumbles on his pic and says.....fuck thats my wifes lawyer, or that was my lawyer, or thats my neighbor......and uses his postings against him publicly or privately.

So now in that context, when I or someone else talks about him straddling the fence.....I have to say...really who can blame him.
If I were him...i would not give a full unvarnished opinion if it meant the politically correct crowd could fuck with my job, livelihood, happiness., financial stability.
So fuck yeah he will straddle the fence. Look at the world we live in.

this just hit me as i drove home from dropping my wife at the train station as i listened to the news about a high ranking exec who was forced to leave her company because she was on video yelling at a little girl on the street about the illegality of the girl selling bottles of water...where she threatened to call the police on the girl. Maybe she had the legal right to do what she did but the optics made her untouchable to keep employed.

She had herself to blame....just as if V got nailed for stuff he said here....he would only have himself to blame as well.

So it hit me today.....the connection between V and people like him on these boards...and the woman exec I just talked about. Its a fine line identifiable people walk. And sometimes being on the fence is the place to be.