While people with nothing left in life like mickey worry themselves to sleep over my 50 cent sequential draw royal and the odds of getting one, I'm going to school all you geniuses on why what Alan witnessed is entirely possible and why you folks just can't get over it....you know, like the poor whiny liberals can't get over the fact that their crooked, corrupt, incompetent lying candidate with the pervert husband lost out to a very superior opponent.

As the days go by, we consistently see why Trump is one of if not the greatest president the world will ever see. And as time goes on, maybe some of you will become more capable of grasping the mathematics of what Alan simply reported on. And at the same time, I'll show you your glaring hypocrisy about gambling theory in general.

Go into a casino and pick a craps table. Watch and record the throws for 15 hours. How many 11's did you see--20? 30? 40 or more? Hmm....

Now ask yourself: what if they came out "in a row" and not dispersed among all the other throws? Possible? Of course....at least mathematically possible, which is the entire point here, especially among a bunch of armchair gambling theorists (and constipated stay-at-home "daddy" admins. from WoV ).

But Einstein's, what is the prime directive when it comes to gambling theory? That's right! NO THROW THAT HAS ALREADY OCCURRED OR THAT IS YET TO OCCUR HAS ANY EFFECT ON OR RELATIONSHIP TO THE ONE YOU ARE ABOUT TO THROW.

Yet you people insist on going against your gambling creed, and only because it was Alan who reported it. Think about that----a bunch of so-called "By The Book" AP's, trying to re-write the math books, and only because of someone who tosses the tough questions in your direction!

Is there a craps bet that gives odds on how many times a particular number will be thrown consecutively? Then all of your stupid efforts to debunk what Alan saw is irrelevant. After-the-fact reality is one thing, and Alan explained what he saw. After the fact theory is something else, and is a non-starter. And any of you bozos who criticized him for not betting on 11 after seeing some thrown in a row only show your incompetence towards gambling probability. Remember? No one or more throws has any effect whatsoever on any that are yet to come? Remember, geniuses?

Time to come clean on why you people are such hypocrites, even if it's from your safe armchairs.