I had car damage, that looked via video to be purposeful, yet ended up being a drunk driver that found himself on my dead end road and needing to turn around(he did it badly for sure). After a few different videos were looked at from around this compound he was identifed a sa person a little later arrested for drunk driving 20 miles away. I rescinded pressing charges because he ended up doing me a favor.

the last time I posted I mentioned having to fill out paperwork. That was paperwork that included 2 years worth of websites that I signed up to and my password. So for the person who gleefully said I was checking in as i read now....ummmmmmm yeah, wasnt me. In fact I was told by CCunit to stay away while they did their job(including viewing PMs). And their job was well done. It seems the dude left alot of bread crumbs over many many months/years. It took them 3 days to pinpoint but...bingo. During that time my family could only narrow it down but they werent finished...and still arent if need be.

I was told that posting something with the intent of inflicting damage ...should the damage occur....from anyone is culpable. But almost never can you prove intent or a link. That is unless someone hands you intent on a silver platter in writing. However, I am told Its up to me to mitigate my future possible damages...and that includes NO posting and posting and posting providing a "kick me" climate going forward after being put on notice. Anyway legal shit doesnt interest me as muchand its probably never a path I would choose to use but I would like to keep it open none the less.

I wish he would have done a little research first because although he lives far from me....he isnt far enough.

So I am willing to go through the days without viewing and posting around the net like the last 4 days.I would have to be a masochist to read and get fired up and not post. And once something happens that is adverse to me or my family, then I will take it from there. Thats my gameplan. No hard feelings to anyone as this is just message boards and dont mean a whole lot in life.

This isnt going to be a pissing contest post. Just a calm explanation and update for the people who PMed me wondering what was up.

I wish everyone well.....including mr doxxer.

go ahead have at me via bashing here......and mission, you did enough thanks....at this point I dont mind if people show their worst side.....if u read between the lines you would know why. Even if dan blocks my user name, the only thing he can block is access to my pms.

a properly located thread......right mOnet?