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Thread: Flipping Off Resellers

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I thought some of us and myself were bad for posting all kinds of information about AP or how to get an edge on the Casino.
    For the last few hours I have been reading Internet Forums that are dedicated to Shoplifting or Shoplifters.
    Seems to be an epidemic LOL! These kids or guys are hiding stuff in comforters or other places.
    Next day the Partner comes in and buys the comforter with the concealed items.
    If they really want to Nit It Up they Return the Comforter at a later date at a different store.
    Some other guy takes his stuff to the lawn and garden section and slips out the merchandise through the Fence.
    Buys some items and swings by to pick up the loot.
    3 Trillion in Loss Worldwide inside a year... impressive.
    Those are the rookies. ;-)

    3 trillion would be total revenues worldwide. Store receipts.
    100 billion or about 3% disappears from various forms of shrink. Shoplifting being one of them.
    It is about 50/50 Probably closer to 60/40 non-employee/employee theft. The real money is in the administrative theft which represents about 20% of the total shrink.
    Last edited by MaxPen; 09-25-2018 at 08:16 PM.

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    Those are the rookies. ;-)

    3 trillion would be total revenues worldwide. Store receipts.
    100 billion or about 3% disappears from various forms of shrink. Shoplifting being one of them.
    It is about 50/50 Probably closer to 60/40 non-employee/employee theft. The real money is in the administrative theft which represents about 20% of the total shrink.
    This is why many stores don't allow you to bring a bag with you to work unless it is clear, or make mandatory searches part of the employee contract.
    I don't see how that prevents larger scale theft, particularly when employee collusion is involved.
    At one point reddit had a subreddit for shoplifting that I stumbled on when someone linked to it on another forum. The site finally shut it down. People would share pictures of their hauls like people share jackpot pictures on here. There was also an extensive discussion as to how much things weigh, as one trick was to use the self serve checkouts and ring expensive items through as bananas so you would only pay for the weight of the item in bananas.
    I guess this is why around here at least the sensor technology at the self serve checkouts has improved to the point that I usually use those as much as possible, as they have become easier to use with less stoppage due to items perceived to be out of place.
    I still avoid buying bananas, however.

  3. #23
    Weights are important when it comes to barcode swapping.

  4. #24
    Thanks for the corrections!
    I read another statistic that said the odds were 49-1 that you will get caught when shoplifting.
    Only 2-1 that you will be prosecuted when caught.
    Basically that is a 1% chance of losing if I am doing the math correctly.
    If you get fined the fines are very low.
    So even when you lose... you still win.

    I like the forums that talk about it though because almost all of them think they are doing nothing wrong.
    They talk a lot about a Revolution against the Capitalist Oppression.
    They seem to have the same thinking that I find on these gambling forums.
    This delusion that hustling Big Business is good but stealing from the little guy is Evil.
    A bunch of this Robin Hood Complex or something like that to justify what they are doing is moral.

    One thing seems apparent. Everyone seems to be doing it.

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Those are the rookies. ;-)
    I think most of them on the Forums are mostly rookies.
    They seem to be teenagers and either bragging or begging about or for information.
    I am sure the professionals are too busy making money.
    Most likely have the inside connections and rob the trains and trucks.
    That is considered a more serious crime if you get busted or hung out to dry.

    I always find the two bit or as you say the rookie scams to be the best plays.
    Little to No Risk with High Reward.
    I notice many of these guys get caught because they aren't actually shopping.
    It seems to me it is better to actually do some shopping and theft as you go.
    20 years ago when I was on the streets on in LA, Long Beach and Santa Monica I sold a ton of small items.
    I never was caught or chased or yelled at once.
    I walked out of Sears and Macy's with Large Boxes with no problems.
    I would load up shopping carts at grocery stores and just walk right out.
    The easiest play that I did was get paper chicken bags with the food in them at Albertsons.
    I would shop up and down the aisles. I dropped loads of batteries and razors in the paper bags.
    This was before they started to lock up the Razors in most stores.
    I would just park the cart near the door. Pick up the two paper bags and walk out.
    Never a problem once. Nobody ever cared!
    The only problem I thought I had was when I pushed a whole cart full of liquor and items out the door.
    I was walking a bit too fast and two people coming in jammed me up a bit.
    They stared at me and the cart like a deer in headlights for a second and moved out of my way.
    Once again nobody seemed to care. Nobody yelled or chased me down.
    I would just sell all the items down the street to the little guy who had a corner store.
    It got kinda sick. Small businesses would give me requests actually.
    I wasn't very ambitious with it though. I did walk out of a department store with a bunch of watches once.
    They sold fast and for 100 dollars each.
    Last edited by monet; 09-26-2018 at 01:03 AM.

  5. #25
    I don't agree with taking things at all like that.

    There's so many ways to make money reselling, or save money for yourself and your own, by just putting things together.
    Like if the book's $3 and you can resell it somewhere else for $20 - pay the $3, don't hide it under the cart.
    Like the lady Alan mentioned with the building supplies - source cheap, sell higher, make a profit.
    Shoplifting isn't necessary.

    I think there's a big difference between the most of the stuff you see on these gambling forums vs. the stealing from big business stuff that you mention.
    If a casino advertises a promotion with rules that you can benefit from and you participate in it using the knowledge you have from going there all the time and knowing the machines and odds etc. and gain benefit from it, you aren't taking anything except what was offered. You're just being smart about it and not playing whatever machine, but playing the ones with advantage. Instead of being the ploppy they're trying to attract, who will come in and lose but feel better about it and come back to lose more because hey it's 15 point day, you're playing the better VP or the coin churner slots or the progressive that's in positive range.
    There's a big difference between that and skimming chips.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by pkspins View Post
    I don't agree with taking things at all like that.

    There's so many ways to make money reselling, or save money for yourself and your own, by just putting things together.
    Like if the book's $3 and you can resell it somewhere else for $20 - pay the $3, don't hide it under the cart.
    Like the lady Alan mentioned with the building supplies - source cheap, sell higher, make a profit.
    Shoplifting isn't necessary.

    I think there's a big difference between the most of the stuff you see on these gambling forums vs. the stealing from big business stuff that you mention.
    If a casino advertises a promotion with rules that you can benefit from and you participate in it using the knowledge you have from going there all the time and knowing the machines and odds etc. and gain benefit from it, you aren't taking anything except what was offered. You're just being smart about it and not playing whatever machine, but playing the ones with advantage. Instead of being the ploppy they're trying to attract, who will come in and lose but feel better about it and come back to lose more because hey it's 15 point day, you're playing the better VP or the coin churner slots or the progressive that's in positive range.
    There's a big difference between that and skimming chips.
    This is all just personal preference.
    Buying an item for a dollar and selling it to someone who is lazy or rich for 20 dollars is basically exploitation.
    It certainly isn't what I would consider an honest trade or living.
    As I have always stated... Hustling is Hustling. Stealing is Stealing. Tough to justify one way over the other.
    Sorta like these shoplifters saying that it is good and righteous to shoplift off of Walmart but wrong to steal from a mom and pop shop or even home invasion.
    These are all just imaginary lines that everyone likes to draw up for themselves and point the finger at one another with.
    Truly, in life you only have one line and you are either on one side or the other.

    People killing people on video games all day long or watching movies about rape and killing.
    However they will justify that is just entertainment and make some sort of statement about the difference between doing it and thinking on it.
    Other peoples point of view will not condone either.
    I think we all know deep down what is right or what is wrong but we make up our own rules to live with ourselves.

    I posted on WoV how I used to take advantage of something with progressive video poker.
    The Wizard posted he didn't condone nor endorse such taking of shots.
    Later he posted how to collude with a dealer and get over a 20% edge in a pit game.
    Go Figure!? Discredit one method of stealing over another.

    Take another example.
    I can get a 50% discount on items if I take a Military or Senior Citizen to buy with me.
    If I buy myself I don't get that discount.
    Am I not being dishonest by using my friend to pay for my items to get that big of a markdown?

    If you find a bag full of money on the street are you turning it in?
    Some cabbies in Vegas have found over 100k and turned it in.
    Some people have found a bag of bank money and kept it.
    Others have turned it in. You sound like the turn it in type. I am not.

    Sort of like war with another country.
    People will justify the Murder or Hostile Take Over but in Peace Time they won't.
    Murder is Murder in either case IMO but that is just it, this is all personal preference.
    When an individual is pushed to the limit where they feel boxed in many will condone stealing for food to survive.
    A small percentage will decide to not steal and instead starve to death.

    One thing is for certain. The system is a major part to blame. It puts many people into the pressure cooker.
    It is always easy to point fingers and judge one another when things are going well and food is on the table.
    I know many players who will not cheat in poker or cheat in the Casino.
    However, they seem to have no problem sexually abusing their 8 year old daughter or beating their wife.

    One thing is for certain. Shoplifting is an epidemic that can't be stopped.
    However it can be controlled and adjusted through price.
    Some bean counter has all the loss factored into the pricing of the product and all the discounts as well.
    You know it is an epidemic when it is world wide. It also seems that every type of person is doing it.
    From the young to the old and feeble. White, Red, Blue or Black.
    Last edited by monet; 09-26-2018 at 08:14 AM.

  7. #27
    I was just reading about running backs and lineman in the NFL.
    One example: a running back is making 7 times as much money as a lineman.
    Without a good line I think it is safe to say the running back won't be as good as he can be.
    It gets worse when you look at quarterbacks and lineman salaries.
    I have read stories where the 20 million dollar quarterbacks take care of their lineman with food and other things.

    It gets worse when you compare other professions to professional sports players.

    My point is the world is unfair and in America it is basically get what you can for you by any means necessary.
    Right or Wrong, Condone or Do Not Condone doesn't really factor into the American Way or Lifestyle

  8. #28
    Just a quick update about Ebay.
    I guess they really don't want person to person sales or small time operators.
    The Fees are pretty rough if you only sell once in awhile.
    At first you pay about 3% when you sell an item.
    Not long after that you get hit with a 10% Fee on top of the 3%.
    That isn't enough for EvilBay... They take another 10% for shipping of whatever you decided to charge for shipping.

    Basically you have to have very low cost for your product to fade those rates.
    I sold one of my juicers for $1125 ($1000 and $125 for shipping) and ended up paying a total of about 145 dollars in Fees.
    The shipping and cost of packing cost me 123 dollars so I should of charged $150 for shipping.

    After that the buyer has a huge edge on the sellers.
    They basically can do all sorts of things to get the item for free or refunded.
    Not that it surprises me. It is just like any other thing in this world.
    Win at All Costs.

    Most likely you are better off having a garage sell or setting up a table somewhere where you can gypsy around.

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Just a quick update about Ebay.
    I guess they really don't want person to person sales or small time operators.
    The Fees are pretty rough if you only sell once in awhile.
    At first you pay about 3% when you sell an item.
    Not long after that you get hit with a 10% Fee on top of the 3%.
    That isn't enough for EvilBay... They take another 10% for shipping of whatever you decided to charge for shipping.

    Basically you have to have very low cost for your product to fade those rates.
    I sold one of my juicers for $1125 ($1000 and $125 for shipping) and ended up paying a total of about 145 dollars in Fees.
    The shipping and cost of packing cost me 123 dollars so I should of charged $150 for shipping.

    After that the buyer has a huge edge on the sellers.
    They basically can do all sorts of things to get the item for free or refunded.
    Not that it surprises me. It is just like any other thing in this world.
    Win at All Costs.

    Most likely you are better off having a garage sell or setting up a table somewhere where you can gypsy around.
    You're going to have to gypsy around for a long time to sell a used juicer for $1000. EBaY knows the value of their platform. Might be better to figure out how to swindle free shit from the sellers.
    I think they sell gold and silver.......hmmmmm?

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