So I`m learning how to play NSUD. I`m curious what machine APs think about what the best way to go about it would be... What I mean specifically is this: when I taught myself other games I learned the perfect strategies/penalty cards by setting the EV mistake tolerance to zero on Optimum VP and just playing through thousands of hands until I knew every play (I know this probably wasn`t the best way to learn it, but it didn`t take me that long and my reason for doing so was that I don`t ever want to have to check a strategy card). When starting to do that with this game though, it seems more complicated/less intuitive to me, so I don`t know if I should learn it the same way. The strategy that Op. VP generated for the game costs 10 cents per hours versus learning the perfect strategy. I`d rather just learn to play it perfectly than eat that much cost per hour even though I guess it`s not too bad, but if it`s going to take a long time to learn perfectly then maybe I should? I also wonder if learning the perfect strategy on this one will make me way slower and also when I switch games; will I be thinking about the decisions all that much longer once I get good at it? Any opinions much appreciated.