As everyone surely knows most of the U.S. have been in the deep freeze all week. But here in Vegas, what a dandy of a week, mid 60's every day.

As I headed off to bed the past two nights, the last thing I did was check the weather in Harleysville Pa, about 45 minutes outside of Philadelphia, where a good friend lives. Last night was 2 degrees, the night before, -3 degrees. OUCH! I know other parts of the country have experienced much worse but trust me this is not typical Phila area weather.

So today, I received a text from my friend telling me that it had "warmed up" to a high of 15 degrees. I happened to be at that little nature park, a block away from Aliente Casino, so I responded with a couple pictures of people in shorts and tee-shirts enjoying the park. I received a two word reply from my buddy that was uncharacteristicly not very nice.

I guess the folks in most of the country are a little short tempered about the weather situation. But they have that goofer and his prediction to look forward to tomorrow. Wanna bet that big mouse sees his shadow? (6 more weeks of winter) He sees his shadow EVERY year, even when the sun isn't even out.