Mick; I assume I'm big fella. I'm putting KJ in his place because he is arrogant and rude. Coach Bella's copy and paste proved that point.

But let me ask you because clearly, I am missing something. Now, I'm fairly certain that you and I are from the same camp of if you can't/won't back it up? Then don't say it.

Now, I see it in a casino at the least a couple of times a week. Some guy will be popping off and get popped in the process. Usually, no one around gives much of a fuck. If I see that guy is truly getting his ass handed to him then I will try to break it up. It that guy is waiting for Security to come rescue his ass? He's liable to end up dead.

1.) The most common occurrence is a guy with no bet on a game that likes to give a ton of shit to someone who has a lot of money bet. HE won't stop until he pisses the guy off enough to become confrontational. What that happens? The guy giving lip service runs to security and there is a big ta doo that follows. Quite often, security are simply advanced level street people. So about the 3rd time a guy pulls this? They let him fry.

2.) The 2nd most I see is the guy claiming he always had the 17 point dog that happened to win straight up. Yet know one has ever seen him actually make a bet. That guy ends up sitting alone reading a book.

3.) The 3rd one is the guy who thinks he is the greatest handicapping in the world and proceeds to tell everyone with in ear shot. This stupid ass will go up to a guy who is losing a bet and have the gall to tell him what he did wrong. In best case scenario, this results in a blow me/fuck you name calling and sign signaling contest. In case which everyone around ends up laughing their asses or at them. Eventually, he joins the guy reading the book.

So Mick, my question to you is what makes a forum different? I mean these guys like KJ and MaxPen come on and clearly have no intention of backing up their words in any way, shape, or form. They feel safe because they can hide behind a forum. Like you, I've been around the block a time or two. But I don't think I've ever met this type of person in the flesh. So I'm curious.

The reason I'm asking you Mick is because you clearly are the opposite. To paraphrase, your ass in not that of a hummingbird. No? lol