Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

Why don't you leave VCT and go suck his dick over there? Pretty stupid talking to someone on a forum they are banned on.
I disagree. I’ve mentioned this several times here. Zenzone is “Moses island” and this is how people communite with Moses on other forums. He’s kind of like the wizard in the wizard of oz. You didn’t communicate directly to the wizard either. You went through an intermediator. It wasn’t until the dog pulled the curtain back that Dorothy was able to communicate directly with the wizard. I don’t think anybody is going to be pulling back the curtain from Moses’s sounding board (zenzone) anytime too soon.

So we’ll just have to get used to commicwting with Moses this way. Keystone has almost become a celebrity over at zenzone with all his second hand posts over there.

Btw, have you noticed how popular this thread is? It wouldn’t keep going and have so many views if Moses wasn’t so popular. Now if you don’t mind, I need to sign off here and head over to zensonze to see what Moses has to say.
Don't forget to drink the Kool-Aid while you're there.
Not that it matters, but I do agree with some of what Moses says, and he is funny and creative in how he says things. I don’t agree with his threats though. I think he should tone that part down.

And I have learned some things from Moses on bj. In one of my posts, I made a throw away statement where I said his system made no sense. I shouldn’t have said that, since that’s not what I meant. I understand what he’s doing with his bj game and it does make sense. I’m not going to use his column count, but I will use elements of it. I get what he means by changing the 2 for the 7, and how it helps with the 14 vs 10 play, which comes up often. I’m not going to go to the column count, but I will pay more attention to the 7s (some call this side counting 7s). This weekend I did this based on Moses advice and felt it helped my game.

Like I’ve previously said, I’m also on these forums for entertainment. I know that upsets Micky and some others here since they want me banned. Apparently they don’t believe in free speech or laughter. Micky said I should stay away and get my entertainment somewhere else. In Micky’s world these forums are super serious where nothing amusing goes on.

Over time it seems like some gamblers and APs lose their sense of humor and develop a nasty personality. Zeebara comments on this on BJTF. At first, I didn’t know what he meant, but after being on these forums for a while I now see where he’s coming from.