Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
You guys don't know the first thing about running bad, especially the feeling that divine intervention has cursed you and there's nothing you can do about it but watch your bankroll turn to ashes after being the most dedicated and disciplined counter this world has ever seen. I wouldn't have it any other way though, anyone else would've jumped off a bridge by now, gone on a shooting spree, or simply quit the game.

I will give you my frank opinion take it any way you want.

You have previously mentioned the size of your current playing bank that you also use for living expenses. You most likely already realize that you are swimming against the tide, as your expectations at this point in time are too far beyond realities. The reality is at this point in time your bankroll needs 100% total reinvestment of all capitol, and you are putting too much of a burden upon yourself to succeed at all cost. Knowing full well all of the variance associated with the game itself. I feel that you should reevaluate what you are trying to accomplish and start thinking serious enough to look ahead and avoid a possible bad outcome, and instead quit playing for the time being and try to find employment and hopefully build up your playing stake. What you have already done for the last few years is an accoplishment in itself, but your immediate goal was set too high.
What ZK has done in the last 2 years is an accomplishment. While I don't know the numbers it is my understanding that he has won enough to cover at least part of his living expenses. Obviously that is or was not his goal. The goal was to cover all living expenses....and then some. And while he was unable to do that so far, there are issues that are holding him back, that when he is not ranting and takes a step back he himself even sees. One being his living expenses are too high (especially for what he is getting). He needs to address that especially short-term for a couple years so he can grow his bankroll more. That would be if his is intending to pursue this path.

The second issue is that he has not played enough during these two years. He is pursuing a "grinder' type path. That means putting in a lot of hours. By his own admission, at times he has been scared off by negative variance and stopped or reduced play for periods.

When he got here with 50k+, that was enough to pursue what he was pursuing. I would have handled the money a little differently, probably putting aside a year's living expenses and designating the rest as Bankroll, not to be touched for any withdraws. The goal would be for this bankroll to grow in that years time to cover a one time withdraw of living expenses for the following year. And if he couldn't do a year at a time, do 6 months. I know people will say it is all the same money, so there is no difference in taking monthly withdraws, but psychologically there is. And that is the part of the game he seems to have difficulty with.

I also think the biggest mistake ZK made was rejecting advice and offers to pursue other advantage plays on the side. More than anyone else, I can understand that he considers himself all about blackjack, just as I do. But some machine play AP on the side, would have provided a second income potential, sort of like a part-time job. Diversification helps smooth out the variance, which again seems to be his biggest issue. Hey my worst year since moving to Vegas, I made only 27k from blackjack. Far below expectation and that would not have covered my living expenses for that year with out the 20k extra I took in from non-BJ AP. That is the best example I can give.

Now it is true I have actually moved away from that diversification and back to my blackjack roots. But there is a reason for that. I am not smart enough to pursue these other non-BJ AP paths, like many on this site. I was limited to just basic VP plays that are drying up. The other big difference is that I am in a stronger financial position and can handle the variance both financially and mentally better than "the greatest ever" can.