Originally Posted by UCFX View Post
Mr. redeitz; I've found being a school teacher and an administrator of an alternative living facility to be very rewarding professions. It's not all about money. Forgive me sir. But I've witnessed hundreds of people during their final days. For them, it's NEVER about the money.

KJ. What the world are you so upset about? You're a homeowner. Make 6 figures a year playing a game. Would you listen to yourself? Clearly you lack debate skills. So what? IF this forum stuff upsets you so much, why do you keep coming back for more?
What a surprise! Moses and his alternative personalities is here. No surprise because you just posted over at the loony bin, but because no one gives a shit and no one responds, you and all the different crazies up in your head, just had to come here to get the attention you want.

Debate skills. You sound like freaking LarryS. I am not here to debate. This is supposed to be a gambling/las vegas forum, not the debate team that you nerds were on in Jr High school. Grow the fuck up ass wipes.