Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
--I discovered the flaw by looking for it or something like it, brought on by a motivation and vengeance for losing as an AP previously. I spent four years in doing so.
Rob, I’m getting closer to believing your story, but I’m still on the fence, not that that should matter to you. I mean Mickey has me on ignore so I get what I think doesn’t matter to some.

But this line here caught me attention when I read it. You seem to indicate you believe there are bugs in all programs if one looks hard enough to find them. Why would you think that? There had been no bug in this game prior to 2003, so it’s not like this game had a history of bugs.

And I don’t see how your “motivation and vengeance” played into IGT obviously accidentally having a bug in this vp program after 2003. What if this bug wasn’t there? Then you would have wasted four years of your life looking for something that didn’t exists.

I guess I find it somewhat hard to believe you spent four years looking for something that might not have even existed.

But everything else in your story seems to add up. The more I go through it, the more it kind of makes sense. Still pretty incredible story though, and I’d have thought you would have made some trips outside Nevada to exploit it. I get you want to be cautious and not over do it, but I’d think you’d have been more aggressive than you were, knowing that at any time it could come to an end.
Last part first. Nevada has plenty of casinos to achieve the goal I set for myself with this, and I didn't want to involve any other states. At the time that was the prudent approach in my mind.

I worked in the private sector for 15 years before my search for something like this began. For 15 years while I worked I was doing what everybody does--look for a better way or maybe a more lucrative job etc. So spending time looking for not necessarily a bug, but basically ANYTHING that might enhance my overall efforts as well as scratch that itch I had over losing as a 6-yr. AP while I played vp, seemed like a reasonable way to spend some of that extra time I had on my hands after I reached my win goals playing my strategy.