John Wick 3 (the first two were great too).
John Wick 3 (the first two were great too).
I watched them both for free but I would hardly put them on the great list.
Something to watch if nothing else to do.
The man can't get killed. Reminds me of the A Team TV Series.
In that TV Series the opposition would fire thousands of bullets missing everyone but The A Team fires one shot or throws a punch and wins.
Loved the A Team though lol!
Not too many movies to choose from these days.
Hollywood has gone digital with CGI and good stories with great acting is a thing of the past.
I love the John Wick movies. Reeves can really shoot, and it shows.
Flipped around and caught Meet Joe Black once again.
Damn movie has an amazing soundtrack.
It is sort of like going to the Symphony and watching a 3 hour movie.
I've watched this movie many times since it came out in 1998 but it gets better with time.
You have to be in the right frame of mind and had enough age or life experience to appreciate it.
Of course that is all subjective but it is hard not to enjoy the perfection of the last 25 seconds with the perfect Fireworks Scene.
I saw one yesterday with Ethan Hawke involving time travel that was excellent. It was called Predestination.
Spoiler Alert in my post about Gattaca!
If you haven't seen the movie, this is your Spoiler Alert Warning!
You had me at Time Travel.
I looked it up and it seems to be a Dark Sci-Fi Movie.
I doubt it can be as good as Gattaca but it has 7.5 User Review Ratings so I will have to check it out tonight.
I love at the end of Gattaca when Jude Law says he is going on a trip too lol.
Yeah... a trip to the Oven!
Thanks for the heads up as I haven't seen this one.
I'll check back with my thoughts in a few days.
I enjoy most movies dealing with Time Travel.
I got hooked long ago on a short lived TV Series called Voyagers!
I remember watching this movie a few times and enjoying it.
Guys built a time machine in their garage and moved it to a storage unit.
The movie has a few free youtube sites... here is one of them.
Hi Monet, I have seen Gattaca and Primer. However I remember Gattaca more vividly as I had seen it more than once. I enjoyed both movies, but, I liked it better than Primer. Hopefully you will like Predestination as much as I did and I look forward to your opinion of it once you've seen it.
You bastard!
I feel like I got set up on this movie.
15 to 20 minutes into the movie and I am about to dismiss it and shut it off.
However, I have to continue because tableplay has this under a movie reco.
39 Minutes into the Film and I am having a difficult time with the premise or subject matter.
We are basically into some sort of modern day Transgender Agenda that Hollywood continues to push with their Liberal SJW Bullshit.
Other than that egregious plot line, my first impressions were mixed as we get into some bad writing or acting from two unknown agents.
After the first line I immediately think of the 2009 movie "The Box".
2 minutes into the film and I get this feeling of the 1998 Film "Dark City".
Small notion of 12 Monkeys.
A few other films come to mind like "In Time" or "Equilibrium" as I am watching the first 5 minutes or so.
I start to get flashes of "The Hunger Games" from the female lead in this movie who was in the movie "Steve Jobs".
Most of the Hunger Games was a horrid movie anyway.
Only the parts at the end with Donald Sutherland and the Totalitarian Government were worthwhile.
Figures that "Oddball" would be involved in a movie about Total Government Control.
I've had some time now as I paused the movie to type up this report or post.
I suppose I can stomach a few minutes more to see where this all goes.
User Reviews are ranked decent enough but it is rare that I would miss out on a great movie for 6 years.
The whole bar scene with the 30+ minute backstory is difficult to listen to.
On the upside, the movie is about 97 minutes so they will get to the point and I can try to suffer through another 60 minutes.
Last edited by monet; 05-04-2020 at 03:19 AM.
I finished it anyway.
To sum it up, the movie is basically "Looper" and "Jumper" with a Transgender/Hermaphrodite Self-Incest spin.
IMO, Looper is the better movie and Jumper is the worst... by far, Jumper is the worst of these three.
Which is saying a lot since Jumper doesn't have some sort of twisted Transgender message.
Plenty of other similar movies come to mind when watching this like "Inception" which is way ahead of any of the films I listed in both posts.
You also get a feeling of "Daybreakers"... well this is because it is the same directors/writers and lead actor so you have that.
Sometimes I can't believe I actually watched "Daybreakers" as vampires are not my forte.
In the end, the movie was difficult to push through and not something I would own or re-watch.
PRIMER is way the best movie out of the time travel movies listed.
Even if you think you understand it you probably don't.
They have 20 minute breakdowns of the movie Primer on Youtube.
That movie is more mind bending.
Just my opinion or review though, which doesn't mean diddly sqaut.
Last edited by monet; 05-04-2020 at 04:36 AM.
Fair enough Monet. I'm sorry you didn't like it. I didn't think of the transgender angle - but that is true, Hollywood is trying to push that stuff (i.e. normalize that shit) and I had not kept that in my mind as I watched it. What I liked was the circular nature of it and the revelation at the end that it is all the same person. Maybe I was just in a good state of mind when I watched it and I would have not liked it as much under other moods.
Time Cop and Millenium were a couple others that you may have seen already. They weren't all that great (Time Cop was especially mediocre), but they fit the genre. I liked Time Bandits even though it is silly.
Time Bandits has some heavy hitters!
It's a Terry Gilliam movie so can't be all that bad.
I seen it a couple times around the ages of 7 to 10.
I liked it!
I guess a more off the beaten path of his movies is "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" which is watchable for me.
Fear and Loathing is a constant movie I replay... especially if I take too much.
It's the one movie that makes me want to sniff Ether but I keep fighting the urge.
Last edited by monet; 05-04-2020 at 09:12 AM.
Disclaimer:I have not seen the full movie and I have weird taste. I am probably the only person who likes the part of this movie I did see. I will watch the whole thing if it gets rebroadcast on the Thrillers channel of Pluto TV.
"Only God Forgives"
Alright Mr Play!
If I seen this movie I sure don't remember any of it.
It does feel like I seen it but that doesn't prove anything.
Have to watch it now but looks like a movie I need to purchase the DVD to enjoy with the Uncle.
I like when the guy takes the bribe (1:58) and Matthau asks for his money clip back!
I am pretty sure I seen this movie once and forgot it.
I will give it another go and report back eventually.
Last edited by monet; 07-19-2020 at 04:04 AM.
Thanks for the tip on Always Monet. I enjoy John Goodman's movies so I will check it out.
Best, tp.
I think the love of this movie will depend on the individual.
I have a sentimental attachment to it for many reasons.
I watched it over and over when I was 13 to 16 years old.
I enjoy Richard Dreyfuss in movies even though I think he worships the devil.
Can't prove that last statement but he is a Master Mason.
He was made a Master Mason "at sight" by the Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia at the Washington DC Scottish Rite building.
Anyways, I like his quirkiness on camera and it is usually the same sarcastic acting that he does.
The movie also hits home with me with the music and I always enjoyed that song by the Platters, Smoke gets in your eyes.
This movie is also heavily wrapped around Aviation which I enjoy tremendously.
Comedic Love Story with a young Holly Hunter who has great charisma and energy in the movie.
You also get a great scene with Audrey Hepburn and some nice camerawork.
I think most younger people won't enjoy the movie or it will be too slow and corny for them.
You either have to have a lot of attachments to this movie or just love watching movies.
An individual may have to be in the mood for this type or style of movie as well for it to resonate.
I could see how you could watch it today and be bored to tears and change the channel.
Perhaps 6 months later you are in a different mood and try again and love it.
You know how these things go.
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