I have to agree with Tarantino here. In particular, the 1st Dirty Harry film (Dirty Harry, 1971), where a complete nutjob (shown below) gets soft treatment by the law and then goes on to commit additional mayhem (kidnapping and traumatizing the bus full of kids and the bus driver, etc.). Peppard doesn't fuck around - he evades arrest and proves his own innocence by going to the murderer/rapist's mom's place where the killer is staying (so what if killer's mom looks the same age as the killer) saving himself huge attorney's fees potentially and a possible wrongful conviction. These independent spirit films are inspiring. That's the same reason I like the Dirty Harry and the Escape from New York/LA movies so much. Thanks again for the reco - I enjoyed the film.
Yeah, that movie is very simple and straightforward, but it has a lot of complexity to it.
It's so realistic how all the people that have known you for 14 years will turn on you in an instant.
His wife is literally killed in his apartment, and nobody gave a shit, lol.
He literally lost every partner and friend overnight.
They would have lynched him if it was 100 years prior.
It really showed how corrupt and phony the system really is.
Especially the so called "Justice" System.
Lucky it was the 60s.
In many states today they would have jailed him for resisting arrest and obstructing justice not to mention some other charges.
Excellent point. The only one that didn't turn on him was the housekeeper. The big lesson from this movie is just how easily an event outside one's control can ruin their life. If a very unlikely event happens (or more than one), you're done (homelessness, severe injury, death). All the innocent people that have been incarcerated for life or for decades can identify with this film. There is always a large supply of morons available to apathetically discard the improbable.
On a lighter note, I used to think that Commodore character (William Windom) in the Doomsday Machine episode of Star Trek (Season 2, Episode 6) was Peppard, when I was a kid. But, of course it's not - it's a vastly inferior prototype.
Welp, since you brought Star Trek into the mix, we might as well feature this movie.
I haven't watched it yet, but it was supposed to be bigger than Star Wars.
Of course it wasn't.
Supposedly the studios took a million dollars out of the Star Wars Budget for this film.
YouTube has 4 or 5 uploads if this one isn't working.
George Peppard and Jan Michael Vincent in:
Damnation Alley (1977)
Alright, I got some bad information about this movie.
lol... I can't believe I watched the entire thing.
I have no idea why Peppard decided to do some sort of Southern Accent for this movie.
I have no clue how this movie got greenlit.
At least the actors got paid.
I do think the Book of Eli stole some ideas from Damnation Alley, lol.
Thanks for the reco Monet. I saw this movie a few years (maybe 7 or 8 years, but I don't remember for certain) after it came out. It gets shown every once in awhile on TV. I guess they figured that they could just coast on Jan-Michael Vincent's mega-star power of the time (The World's Greatest Athlete, The Mechanic, etc.). One of my favorite authors is Roger Zelazny (you may recall that he wrote the famous The Chronicles of Amber series). This movie was based on the book Damnation Alley as you may recall. The book wasn't one of Zelazny's best, but the movie doesn't even respect this mediocre effort (comparatively speaking) of Zelazny's.
A few words must be written here about Jan-Michael Vincent since his story has to be one of the biggest tragedies of all time in Hollywood. This dude was on top of the world in the mid-70's as you know. He had it totally made. He could have any woman he wanted for example at that time. But alcohol totally ruined him. I mean words can't even describe how badly this guy got wrecked. Some of his final straight to VHS movies make Damnation Alley look like The Godfather by comparison. When he died somewhere in the South a few years, back, it wasn't until a couple weeks later that people other than from that little town he lived knew about it. And this guy was a world-wide megastar as mentioned above. I mean, it would have been like if when Michael Jackson died, that the tabloids and MSM didn't know about the death until a couple weeks later.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice review - I saw this movie yesterday.
1. Willem Dafoe and Danny Devito are in the movie.
2. Several nice attacks on the woke.
3. Michael Keaton doesn't miss a beat in reprising his role as Beetlejuice (same with Winona Rider's character Lydia and Lydia's mother Delia) and overall the movie adheres to the template of the original
1. While the movie does adhere to the original template reasonably, they played it safe and didn't put many new elements into it to go along with the solid foundation of yesteryear
2. They had to skirt around the fact that Jeffrey Jones (Lydia's father/Delia's husband) is not in the movie (they just have a ghoulish likeness of him) - they should just not have included his likeness at all IMHO.
3. Adheres to the unpleasant faster pace of today's low attention span audience.
Overall rating IMHO is 6/10 (not that bad and good for a laugh or two).
Please disregard this post if you have seen this movie.
I just watched The Killer (2023).
Unspeakably Bad.
I knew I was in trouble after the first 5 minutes.
After 20 minutes of endless narration, I contemplated my own suicide.
There's an old rule with movie making and narration.
The rule is to never use it.
Anyways, I thought maybe this is a spoof?
We have the best contract killer in the world standing endlessly in front of a window.
The only light he has is a very bright construction light that he points directly at himself while he assembles his rifle in plain sight?
He makes 20 more mistakes before we find out that he lives with some beaner nobody that he cares for.
The guy who says that his motto is that he doesn't give a Fuck basically has a wife that he loves??
Makes no sense.
The movie continues on with constant blunders and narration.
He literally just hires some regular people to clean up the blood and glass at his house.
And he stores all of his criminal contraband inside of public storage units?
That makes sense, lol??
Not to mention that he sleeps in his car outside of his marks house for hours on end.
He follows directly behind the woman he is going to kill but she doesn't even notice.
She's a pro too... LOL.
He even decides to drink whiskey, that could have easily been poison, with her.
You think, ok... got to be some big payoff in the end that blindsides you.
He doesn't even kill the Client.
He ends up going back to the same house with the same woman and everyone knows where he lives.
I spent 30 minutes on IMDB reading all the 1-star reviews just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind.
Turns out we are right and whoever rated that movie a 7 out of 10 is getting paid.
Last edited by monet; 11-02-2024 at 08:12 AM.
Yesterday, I saw the movie Blink Twice (2024) starring Channing Tatum and Naomi Ackie. Please disregard what follows if you have seen this movie. The movie is unpalatably woke. I figured since Christian Slater and Geena Davis are in the movie, that it might be some decent modern take on Eyes Wide Shut. They went with the Epstein Island motif. They get some shit right, but a bunch of young women aren't going to get the better of some evil Billionaire and his people. Since it's woke, they had to make sure to use ethnic women and they had to make sure that they are able to best the billionaire (Channing Tatum). Drugging people and using them as sex slaves on a remote private island does happen all the time (one of the reasons for the open southern border is so that the wealthy can kidnap large numbers of anonymous people from the endless supply of them for their evil, sadistic pleasures without even leaving the country), but at least make the film realistic. I rate this film as 1.5/10.
I finally saw Alien: Romulus a few days ago, but it is woke and in the horror genre anyway so I didn't reco it. I wasn't going to post about Blink Twice since it was a terrible movie, but since I was logged in and reading the movie thread, I threw it in there as a heads up.
I watched a couple of movies last night that are worth a viewing if you get bored.
Arkansas (2020) with Double V is entertaining enough.
I enjoy a ranting Vince Vaughn playing a bad guy.
The comedic value/timing of the movie let me look past the plot holes and expediated ending.
I didn't want the movie to end.
I wanted it to go on for another hour.
Reptile (2023) was good enough for a movie made in 2023.
I guess I was in the mood for a police murder mystery type of movie.
The Pale Blue Eye (2022)
I fast-forwarded the Satanic Ritual near the end.
Didn't need to see that.
Edgar Allen Poe scenes get a little long winded.
I enjoyed some of the winter scenery.
Story was good enough to keep me interested for the duration.
Had an Ichabod Crane feel to it.
Better than that Contract Killer Movie I posted about.
Please disregard this post if you have seen this movie. The movie is Destroyer (2018) and Nicole Kidman is the star. In this movie, Nicole plays a Los Angeles police detective who succumbed to greed during an undercover sting operation (at that time she was an FBI agent) of a gang of robbers which causes the death of another undercover agent who also infiltrated the gang of robbers during a bank robbery and to whom she was also romantically engaged with. The leader of the gang and most of the other gang members get away after the bank robbery and she has to deal with the guilt. The gang leader antagonizes her via a letter she receives 17 years later or so after the bank robbery with a dyed C-note (a lot of the money from the bank robbery got stained from a dye pack planted in the some of the stacks of money) from the robbery contained within the letter and it catalyzes her to go after him. It is somewhat hard-boiled and realistic, so I think it is worth a watch for those that have not seen it. I would rate this movie as pretty solid and give it a 6.5/10. I don't see any reason not to see it, if you haven't seen it already.
I watched it a few hours ago.
I fast forwarded some of the sub plot daughter scenes.
Endless yakking that was unnecessary.
Plus, I just hate when women cackle.
I had to fast forward the never-ending ending when she was looking at the sky.
Funny how they basically made the dude a simp.
He's only doing this job for her lol.
He refuses to go all the way and kill anyone but has no problem with robbing a bank.
You can't commit to that sort of thing without going all out to the dark side.
Anyways, I could easily review this movie, but the movie reviewed itself at the end.
When the screen turned black, and it read: Directed by Karyn Kusama.
Enough Said.
That's one way to look at it.
I kept thinking this movie is saying to me: "I am Woman, Hear me Roar"!
And that was confirmed when I found out who directed the movie.
Entertaining Enough but it's tough for me to imagine Nicole Kidman for that lead role.
That bitch only got big in Hollywood because she married Tom Cruise.
I feel like they stole a lot from the 1991 movie RUSH.
Yes, great points. I would have cast Gina Carano (Haywire 2011) in that role - much more believable, IMHO and much less expensive to have in the cast compared to Nicole. Unfortunately, four years later or so, Disney cancelled Gina (vaporizing her career) since she isn't woke (but in 2018, when Destroyer was made, she hadn't been cancelled yet) so I hope things work out for her somehow.
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