What I found odd about this doxing threat, is that there was a reference in there that everyone should return to WoV. While there are a few people that are dual members here and at WoV, most of us former members, don't have the option to return. So that seemed like a weird thing. Almost seemed like the doxxer was some kind of supporter of WoV.

As an AP and especially an AP playing mostly one locale, I take doxing very seriously. It could ruin my livelihood. And if not completely end it, do a lot of damage and hinder my ability.

I sometime wonder why I continue to participate on forums. If I do my usual cost/benefit examination, forum participation is clearly a negative for me. But, for whatever reason I seem to enjoy it for the most part. Particularly when some newer player thanks me and says I have helped their game. (rarely happens here, but fairly frequently on the more legit blackjack forums) Or some established, known, respected, member notes that I have probably helped more aspiring card counter AP's than anyone else in the community. And that recently happened on another forum. These things make me feel good that I have been able to give back and help some newer players, just as others did for me.

Now why do I continue here? That is another question and one I don't have an answer for. I think some of us, even AP's have an unhealthy desire to participate. Call it an addiction, if you want.

But one thing I know. If I decide to stop participating and like I said I struggle with that, flipping back and forth, nut I will NEVER let someone decide that for me with a threat like this. I mean I had a guy find me and stalk me to my home this summer. Former member of this site, but I don't blame this site, he has stalked me on many forums. But I just am not going to allow someone else to make that decision for me. I don't know all the details of the LarryS situation, and while I am not a fan of LarryS, I am sad to hear that he may have allowed that. I understand it as you get to a point that enough is enough, but still sad that LarryS made the decision to allow someone else that kind of control.