Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
Disclaimer. I know that I am supposed to cut down on the New Threads thing, but I feel that this is a decent idea for a thread and is not completely stupid like some of my threads are. I actually completely thought this thread through before hitting "Post."

The "Back off from this game/ the Banned Tap." How do you handle it? I remember a guy saying he felt happy at first when he felt the "tap," as he was winning and as he had been expecting it to be a Friend he had been with getting ready to congratulate him on his winning game but it was instead a "Suit," telling him that he had been put on a watch list for card counting and winning too much and needed to back off the game. His happiness turned to frustration in just seconds as he had to leave the winning game. How do you handle the "Infamous tap?"
Only question is if you gave the crackhead you paid to suck off an extra $20 to tap you on the shoulder so you could fully enjoy it.

Hopefully you stole enough this week to blow his friend as well.
Boz, stop bringing up that wallet thing. Once again, YOU are the only one constantly harping about it after everybody else treated it like a fart that stunk really badly but was then quickly forgotten about.