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Thread: The Adventures of MDawg (in progress)

  1. #1
    Continuing from prior posts...As background, I used to play very heavily, my average bet was around $3000. I quit at some point, life intervened and I felt like I was getting too into it, and took about a decade hiatus, returned to play about two years ago. Haven’t had any losing trips since my return, and I stopped over all ahead a decade ago. Yes, life’s been good to me, so far!

    DAY THREE OF FEBRUARY 2020 VEGAS TRIP (second day of actual casino play completed today)
    Allll righty then! Another win, pulled 8k marker, played four shoes, did get hectic at one point was down -4K plopped 4K on there got back to even and pretty smooth sailing afterwards to a little over 3K win for the day.

    This brings the trip cash envelope to over five grand. I cashed the yellows 1K at Encore, 2K at Wynn, this way they don't look to see how much I have won which sometimes leads to a threat to temp close my line unless I deposit the chips against my line, or do not cash them.

    Temp closing your line is a tactic they use to try to coerce you into depositing all your winnings. Then with that deposited plus your line if you go on a really bad run you might draw against and lose it all. But cash stashed in your safe is far from the casino floor and harder to get to which they don’t like.

    Not everyone won. At my table everyone else who played my shoes lost, either because they didn't get on and stay on the runs the way I did, or bet against them. One guy lost a sizable stack of $500. purples betting against a bank run, and this messed me up too because out of respect for his bet I stayed out of it until about the third bank and then I HAD to jump in but bet small, since he was betting huge "against" me.

    In blackjack, I used to think that other players misplaying basic strategy affect the outcome but I've realized for some time that they do not, it's just another card exposed to keep track of for purposes of the count and flow. Other players no longer affect me whatsoever at the BJ player. I just do my thing.

    At Baccarat, it's another story. I tend to be the only one in the room winning at Bacc. so it comes down to "Who do I trust? ME!" and not wanting to be influenced by other players. You have some big bet ready for the Bank and some punk comes along and tosses a hundred on the Player, or some player who hasn't won a hand in the last five puts an even bigger bet on the Bank before you place yours, and it's hard for such events, especially as they pile up, to not affect your play.

    So if possible I try to play earlier in the day before the high limit room fills with the drunks and other high rollers who seem to be there just to dump as much money as possible in as short a time as possible.

    After all, Who put this thing together?
    Last edited by MDawg; 02-20-2020 at 10:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Good job Mdawg by putting your Mdawg's Adventures on here! It just might become a very big hit!
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  3. #3
    Is this yet another blackjack player from WoV who never loses? At least we get pictures with this one.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Is this yet another blackjack player from WoV who never loses? At least we get pictures with this one.
    Nope this is a suspended Baccarat player who never loses.

    But anyone can do it if they track the shoes like he does.

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Is this yet another blackjack player from WoV who never loses? At least we get pictures with this one.
    Nope this is a suspended Baccarat player who never loses.

    But anyone can do it if they track the shoes like he does.
    Well....either way, I'm SUPER IMPRESSED with those GIANT stacks of cash he posts.

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Is this yet another blackjack player from WoV who never loses? At least we get pictures with this one.
    Nope this is a suspended Baccarat player who never loses.

    But anyone can do it if they track the shoes like he does.
    Well....either way, I'm SUPER IMPRESSED with those GIANT stacks of cash he posts.
    Someone could post a picture of tournament chips and if no one told you - you wouldn't begin to be WISED UP.

    lol because it is true.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post

    Nope this is a suspended Baccarat player who never loses.

    But anyone can do it if they track the shoes like he does.
    Well....either way, I'm SUPER IMPRESSED with those GIANT stacks of cash he posts.
    Someone could post a picture of tournament chips and if no one told you - you wouldn't begin to be WISED UP.

    lol because it is true.
    I do believe I frustrate you so much it makes you post incoherent rambles such as this.

    Don't be like that.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 02-21-2020 at 11:49 PM.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    Well....either way, I'm SUPER IMPRESSED with those GIANT stacks of cash he posts.
    Someone could post a picture of tournament chips and if no one told you - you wouldn't begin to be WISED UP.

    lol because it is true.
    I do believe I frustrate you so much it makes you post incoherent rambles such as this.

    Don't be like that.
    The sad thing is that even if my sentence structure isn't the most preferred everyone else on this site can understand.


  9. #9

    I won this betting on roulette - I used the cuban system.....................

    Name:  Money-Stacks.jpg
Views: 11077
Size:  65.0 KB
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  10. #10
    Yesterday got a little hectic at the tables. By the time I got back to the room I had energy and enthusiasm for sex, but not for firing up my laptop and posting anything on the 'net. So here goes:

    I started at about 11am, somewhat early because it was not a day when I go to the gym (I go every other day). I had already been up since 5am for the stock market, and it wasn't the greatest day in the market either (I'm holding a pretty large AMZN trade position at the moment in the red through the weekend - I hold a lot of long term AMZN and other tech company shares that are up an insane amount of money, but I also trade extra shares of certain stocks including AMZN on a regular basis). I had a sell order for these shares at 2123 and of course on that last leg up it hit only as high as 2122.7 or so, and then gradually wound down to below 2100. But, all will be well next week on this trade, not to worry.

    Anyway, back to gambling. Of the casino variety.

    By about halfway through the second Baccarat shoe I was up about 3K. For some reason I wanted to get to more like 5K to make it an even 10K won this week at this casino, but instead, I started losing. Next thing you know I had lost the entire 8K marker I had pulled. I did a 2K call bet on the Bank, won. I paid it back, did another 2K bet with these chips, won. I was thinking I should have just let the 4K ride, and then I would have been close to even again (minus the 2K owed on the call bet), but I didn't. Then I played that 4K on another hand a bit later, lost. Another 1K call bet, lost. I had them print it to ten. So now I had $9000. in front of me and owed the casino $9000. for this session.

    I played some more, but by the end of the second shoe or maybe at some point in the third shoe, don't quite recall, I had lost that second marker too. Now down $18,000. I asked the pit boss for another $10K and he said no. I did a double take - I have a fifty K line, so what was he getting at? Turned out, what he was getting at was a joke.

    "I just gave you one."

    True. But I lost it.

    "I'll tell you what. I'll give you another one, but you have to promise to give it back. And no crazy betting - this is a crazy shoe."

    He was right. This wasn't the best shoe - no discernible pattern, no runs to mention, no streaks. I should not have been betting big into such a shoe.

    But then my luck changed. I played a total of seven shoes, and honestly, I did not bet crazily any longer. My average bet was 500 for the rest of the day, and bit by bit I won back all of what I had lost, tipping out about 500. along the way, and paid off all the markers.

    I was getting a bit stuck at this point when I had about $25K in front of me:

    (I had to sneak that picture because the day before when I tried to take a pic of the board to show what a great shoe I had played, this particular pit boss, the same one who had joked with me today about the markers, had quietly politely mentioned that "Aren't no photos allowed in a casino?) Most pit bosses don't care if you snap a picture of your own chips or the board as long as no humans are in the pic, but this one does. (By the way - that No Smoking sign - that is by my request. I hate having smokers at my table.)

    The end stack of chips when I reached the goal of EVEN - $28,000., was this:

    and this pic was taken when a different pit boss, female one who said, "I'm proud of you. You won back all your money and you played relaxed." was present - one who doesn't care about pictures taken.

    All markers paid:

    I hadn't won a nickel (well, I did win $500. but all of that was tipped out to the dealers by way of side bets for them alongside mine out of appreciation as I kept winning my markers back), but I was now HUNGRY. I had barely eaten breakfast and was getting more and more tired as the hours wore on - I had played 7 and a half hours straight, and been up since 5am. It's amazing how hungry one gets after a winning session (and how one may barely masticate a steak after losing due to LACK of appetite).

    The line at the buffet was long, but my Tower Suite star key (given to RFB (room food beverage comp'ed) guests, got me to the head of the line.

    At the buffet, I ate.

    and ate

    and ate

    and ate

    and ate

    and ate

    and ate

    and ate (in that order)

    and then finished with the interior fillings only of a crepe and a spoon of their banana mousse. (Not big on dessert)

    My wife was at the spa, and a friend I texted couldn't join me because he was gambling, so I ate alone, but I really didn't mind. I was just there to eat.

    Afterwards I walked all around the resort to walk off some of the food and my post-win energy. It is quite exhilarating to go from over minus -20K to even. I checked out a perpetual calendar Patek that I might buy soon (I collect fine timepieces, and change my watch to change my luck when gambling), and picked up a tee shirt for the wife (she already has everything).

    Afterwards on the way back to the Tower Suites, I stopped back to chew the fat with a few of the pit bosses and dealers in the high limit pit, since I knew my wife wouldn't quite be back from the spa yet. The consensus was that Baccarat is the "most regal" of games and the one that they see people win at the most often. (Sadly, in my opinion and observation, I believe that most players just give back all they win before the end of the trip.) One dealer that I talked to agreed that playing just 500 per hand, the chances of winning back over 20000 consistently over a number of BJ shoes would have been slim. The times that I have won big at BJ, which I used to really kill them at double deck BJ until some of the casinos started banning me from that game, was through huge bet variance, between practically table min and table max. Flat betting pretty much gets you nowhere at any casino game, but most especially at BJ. In Baccarat the good shoes and runs may continue for very long periods, and sometimes it becomes only a matter of "how much do you want to Wynn?"

    Anyway, all's well that ends well.

    Tonight they're limo'ing us to the hockey game and will be in the Wynn suite at the stadium.

    I need to get to the gym and eat before I play today. Limited time.
    Last edited by MDawg; 02-22-2020 at 12:23 PM.

  11. #11
    Show me Fight Tickets for tonight in a suite and then I’ll be impressed!

    Either way I’m glad you found somewhere to post where you won’t have to worry about suspensions and such.

    Keep posting away.

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Someone could post a picture of tournament chips and if no one told you - you wouldn't begin to be WISED UP.

    lol because it is true.
    I do believe I frustrate you so much it makes you post incoherent rambles such as this.

    Don't be like that.
    The sad thing is that even if my sentence structure isn't the most preferred everyone else on this site can understand.

    I THINK you just insulted everybody else on the forum.....

    Good job!

  13. #13
    Fight tickets - I think it was in 2001? that T.I. gave us two tickets to whatever the world heavy weight championship was that night. Somehow the tickets got to us late and the limo got us to Mandalay Bay just as the fight was starting, or maybe even after it started. Before we even entered the event this black guy came up and asked if we wanted to sell tickets. My friend and I looked at each other.

    "How much will you give us for these?"

    The tickets were practically ring side. Maybe they were ring side? I hadn't really looked at them.

    "$1000. each." he said promptly. (I think that was the figure. Honestly I'd have to think a little more to remember exactly, but I think it was that.)

    But what I DO remember was that the guy kept playing with us. Counting out each stack one or two bills short. Classic street hustler's ploy.

    "Listen." I said finally. "If you want these tickets stop playing games. Pay us the full amount you said."

    So he handed us the two grand and ran off. It couldn't have been five minutes - maybe ten - before the commotion started. The fight was over - knockout in the third round. My friend cleaned up though, he had bet on that the fight would end with a knockout in the - third round. Why he did that, I'll never know, but he was pretty damn happy, especially when I additionally handed him half of the money we had just received for the tickets. Technically, he had nothing to do with it, it was my comp my play that had earned them, but I was on a huge winning streak that trip ended up clocking the casino for low six figures, so I was feeling magnanimous. That extra grand was just another lick of icing on the cake. When it rains, it pours.

    They also used to fly us from Tahoe on a Citation X to the Mandalay Bay fights, such as the Oscar de la Hoya ones.

    But all of that was in the days when my average bet was more like three grand. I'm not really there these days, nor would want to be again. Too much stress with those huge ups and downs. Not that yesterday wasn't a big down and up too, but no matter how hard you try to keep your eye on the ball, there will be those times when the session goes against you.
    Last edited by MDawg; 02-22-2020 at 12:10 PM.

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Show me Fight Tickets for tonight in a suite and then I’ll be impressed!

    Either way I’m glad you found somewhere to post where you won’t have to worry about suspensions and such.

    Keep posting away.
    Why would his postings pictures of cash, games, meals, and descriptions of his trip be cause for suspension at WoV? You mean those folks still can't take it when an actual player comes along? These pictures easily beat reading how the lame moderators over there are upset at Trump, can't make money at anything, and have problems with real men.

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Show me Fight Tickets for tonight in a suite and then I’ll be impressed!

    Either way I’m glad you found somewhere to post where you won’t have to worry about suspensions and such.

    Keep posting away.
    Why would his postings pictures of cash, games, meals, and descriptions of his trip be cause for suspension at WoV? You mean those folks still can't take it when an actual player comes along? These pictures easily beat reading how the lame moderators over there are upset at Trump, can't make money at anything, and have problems with real men.
    Because, as you know how it works over there, he was accused of making it up, pushing an impossible math accomplishment and being a general bullshitter. So naturally after taking so much shit, most lash out and the suspensions came.

    While I personally don’t think we get the entire story on each trip, and the claims he never has a losing trip, or that he can read the cards, I do believe the pictures are real.

    And it’s certainly his option to post them and not get suspended for defending himself.

  16. #16
    MDawg, you must have been really damned hungry. Now I want ribs. Great meal pics. Keep 'em coming.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Show me Fight Tickets for tonight in a suite and then I’ll be impressed!

    Either way I’m glad you found somewhere to post where you won’t have to worry about suspensions and such.

    Keep posting away.
    Why would his postings pictures of cash, games, meals, and descriptions of his trip be cause for suspension at WoV? You mean those folks still can't take it when an actual player comes along? These pictures easily beat reading how the lame moderators over there are upset at Trump, can't make money at anything, and have problems with real men.
    Because, as you know how it works over there, he was accused of making it up, pushing an impossible math accomplishment and being a general bullshitter. So naturally after taking so much shit, most lash out and the suspensions came.

    While I personally don’t think we get the entire story on each trip, and the claims he never has a losing trip, or that he can read the cards, I do believe the pictures are real.

    And it’s certainly his option to post them and not get suspended for defending himself.
    The only thing I question right now is how he and his wife ate all that food. But his WoV experience does ring some bells. Thanks.

  18. #18
    Actually I ate all of that food alone. She was at the spa and a friend (this is a guy who basically lives at Encore, has spent most of the past two years here) wouldn't meet up with me he was busy gambling.

    Winning back all that money after being down gave me a huge appetite.
    Last edited by MDawg; 02-22-2020 at 01:49 PM.

  19. #19
    I am running late. Haven't even been to the gym yet. At this rate I won't even be able to play today - I don't like to play when time constraints (we have to get into the limo at 6pm to go to hockey game) are in place. Playing with time constraints works out fine if you win quickly, but if you get down and have limited time to recoup this tends to lead to over betting when inappropriate as you try to catch up too quickly.

    And I am not big on night time play, because I am an early riser and more of a morning than late night person.

    So if I don't get in some play before the hockey event might not play at all today.

  20. #20
    The Wynn suite was pretty cool, full hosted bar and fully catered, including next door in the lounge that was open to all suites, and we sat right on the edge of the ice.

    Our team (Vegas Knights) won, 6 to 4 against the Florida Panthers. Vegas has now won 5 out of the last 6 games.

    We have a late checkout today so I plan to play some this morning. Made it to the gym, but did not play at all yesterday. The host offered to extend another night instead of late checkout but I think it's time to move on to the next resort.

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