Ribs, MDawg!! Keep the ribs pics coming!
Theoretically, I'll be there Tuesday morning, MDawg. The overpriced Orleans coffee shop will probably be my first meal, seeing as I should get in at 2 AM. I'll be thinking of those ribs, though.
Ribs, MDawg!! Keep the ribs pics coming!
Theoretically, I'll be there Tuesday morning, MDawg. The overpriced Orleans coffee shop will probably be my first meal, seeing as I should get in at 2 AM. I'll be thinking of those ribs, though.
Good luck!
I just realized score last night was 5 3 Knights.
I won another 1550 today, tipped out a couple hunny along the way. Played just a couple shoes.
Had a player run at the end and declared that I would leave when it did, and when it ended...I left! bringing my winner's envelope to about 7K.
During pretty much the same period that I played and won, a guy came up with three grand and declared that he had twenty minutes to play until he caught the plane. He took that 3 to about 9 at one point but kept playing. In my mind, I was thinking...how much does this guy want? He got back to even and none ahead twice, but rallied each time. He kept playing. What was the goal? Did he even know?
In any case he walked with only one purple chip...down -2500.
Money management!
Packing now, onwards to the next resort later today. Cheerio!
Last edited by MDawg; 02-23-2020 at 04:18 PM.
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
Who is "his"? I refer to the fates of other players but the money ahead the pictures etc. all have to do with me.
I have a question for the dawg. WTF are all these tips about? I understand you claim to punish the casinos with no mercy while you win on every trip, showing wads of cash, nice food dishes, and a Rolex watch whenever possible. But tips are nothing more than caving into intimidation. Are you saying they wouldn't be letting you win if it were not for the "thousands" in tips that you can't help yourself give away?
I say/ask this because I was a heavy vp winner for about 10 years with multiple millions in W2G handpays, and my policy was always to never, ever give any casino handpay employee a tip other than verbal. It never affected anything about my play or profiting. In fact, since retiring from professional play I have hit quite a few more of these jackpots, and I still don't tip a soul from the floor. It may be why I have a collection of Rolexes, etc. So how do you support these wasteful tips?
When I play I have some kind of goal...sometimes it is to win just a grand, sometimes three, sometimes five, sometimes twenty. Sometimes the goal is simply, to win!
Along the way as I start pulling ahead I invariably toss chips alongside my bets for the dealers. If I win, they win. Generally I start off with red chips for them, then green and then, if I am really winning big, black chips. In the old days when I was winning table limit bets I would toss as much as a five hundred dollar chip alongside my table limit (in those days, fifteen grand) wager, for the dealer.
Some casinos try to limit the side wager for the dealers, some severely (for example the Hard Rock Vegas under Peter Morton limited the dealer bets to a measly $25. - for reasons that are too lengthy to explain quickly, but had to do with celebrities who were tipping out too much).
The house doesn't like tips. Money won by the dealers is locked up and no longer in play. Obviously, dealers do like tips.
I am not a greedy person. When I am winning, everyone wins! the dealer, the cocktail waitress, and of course...me!
When I reach my goal, I just stop. Tipping along the way might minutely affect the length of time it takes to reach my goal, but does not affect how much I end up with in my pocket. When I stop at a goal of say three grand, I will not end up with $3400. because I failed to tip out along the way, I will end up with just three grand. The way I play, tipping does not affect my bottom line.
P.S. I play table games only. I never waste time with any game that involves any kind of report. Not because I fear the 1099s, W2Gs, etc., but because such games are generally ridiculous house advantage games and are very boring to me to boot. Who wins at slots? Percentage wise, probably not much more than as hit the lotto.
Last edited by MDawg; 02-23-2020 at 04:53 PM.
MDawg uses a progressive system, Rob. The tipping doesn't affect him.
Also if I end up busted, with nada for that session, which fortunately has not happened, but still, IF it happened, I am not going to end up with a few hundred bucks more because I did not tip. Make sense?
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
I wish dawg had answered the question. What's the reason for the tips? If you didn't tip are you believing someone will show up and cut you? Why do you expect the dealers to get some of your money as you're winning? How does this help your play? Ate you feeling responsible for paying their salaries commensurate with what THEY want?
And....what method do you use to win? Why do the casinos let you keep coming back while showering you with gifts? Have you found a table glitch?
I figured you would come back on the tip thing. I agree it makes no sense, along with much of what MD posts. While not calling him a liar, the numbers don’t make sense and he explains it with nonsense about reading the flow of the cards. And we all understand casinos don’t shower players that win on every trip with tickets, food and room while taking it in the financial ass trip after trip.
My thoughts are he is a rich guy who plays big and is the type casinos love and are built upon. He has the money to spend and is very successful in business and can afford the losses. He also enjoys showing his lifestyle and gets pleasure from doing it. He also like the adulation from dropping big tips. Certainly it doesn’t help him win as I know dealers at that level won’t overpay or cheat because of the scrutiny, if they would at any level.
Bottom line is if he had a system to beat Baccarat, which he doesn’t, he wouldn’t be on here talking about it. And casinos wouldn’t be rolling out the red carpet for him.
That all said, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy and is probably less of a fiction writer than Darkozzy over at WoV.
If that were true, Boz, wouldn't a math genius like Michael Shackleford have called him out on it immediately? MDawg was banned for pseudo-doxing, not for any untoward claims or descriptions of how he does it. Certainly a friend of gamblers like The Wizard would have stepped right in and shot down any numbers that didn't add up, wouldn't he?
(Twilight Zone music plays in the background)
Please don't reply, Boz. Those were rhetorical questions.
At casinos if you win, even consistently, at what they view as a game of chance, no one molests you. Win, especially consistently, at what is viewed as a game of skill, and you will be handicapped or banned (been there). Baccarat is viewed as a game of chance. Blackjack as a game of skill.
Checked into the second resort. This is a different style suite haven't stayed in before. Great layout. Very modern.
Will start playing tomorrow. I almost never play on check in and check out days, although I did play some today, at the prior resort.
Last edited by MDawg; 02-23-2020 at 10:53 PM.
He said the house doesn't like tipping. Riiiiight.
The house is worried about some small theoretical loss of value from a player when all that money goes to subsidizing their employee's wages. Give me a break. A minor statement, but not one from someone who has run their own serious business.
Then we hear nonsense from Singer about how he has extra Rolexes from not tipping. Either you are an AP or not (for the most part). If you are playing a negative EV game then the tipping is not really a question since you've already committed to playing a -EV game. THAT IS UNLESS YOU ARE A MORON WHO DOESN'T UNDERSTAND MATH LIKE ROB SINGER.
I'm not a good tipper but I'm also not a stiff. If I like the table game dealer then whatever. It adds to the experience for me because I am not a self-centered prick aka sociopath.
When we are talking about tips that the house doesn't like, we are talking about guys like Matt Damon who used to tip out ten grand in a few hours (I've tipped that much in one night of blackjack myself), or Kerry Packer who used to tip out hundreds of thousands. You have to have been around long enough, and deep enough to have seen it all to understand the house mentality.
It is because of celebrities who tipped massively that Peter Morton instituted the $100. maximum side bet for all table games for the dealers at the Hard Rock Vegas, and a maximum $25. tie side bet for dealers on Baccarat. Does sound chintzy, but again, I speak from personal experience, never from just theory.
In any case, I do tip and it doesn't affect my bottom line. Sure, it tilts the house advantage further against me and sure it might take me just that tad longer to achieve my goal, but once I reach it, whatever I tipped out doesn't matter one bit to me, although it does show as a slightly greater win on my pit boss track than what I actually take from the table.
BTW Tasha, I play table games only. Table game winnings are not reported. It is up to the table game player to report all winnings to the IRS.
There is a transaction report filed if you withdraw or deposit more than $10K cash in a 24 hour period at the casino, but this is not a report of winnings - merely a report that might flag you for other reasons.
Last edited by MDawg; 02-23-2020 at 11:07 PM.
Won barely a hundred dollars today, after being down -8K more than once. Call bets were key to the path back up! I won all of these fortunately, or at points I would have slipped to more than 8K down.
I was playing a $300. min (instead of the usual $100. min) shoe today, and I wasn't working the low-high bet spread properly. Still, it ended fine. I am very good at quitting once I reach even after being down.
I probably tipped out triple what I won.
Hey, but at least the cocktail waitress was nice, and beautiful, and she kept the hot teas coming. She's as much a regular in the high limit pit as I am, and we know each other well.
Today's win:
(I left the fifty cent piece with the cashier as a tip.)
Today's marker paid:
So how far are you willing to go down before you come back and then quit?
If you can read the shoes, why do you end up so far down at times?
Why weren’t you working the low-high spread properly?
Reasons questions I believe. Thanks for explaining if you have the time.
I'll help you out here.
MD didn't help his cause or whatever it is, by claiming casinos don't bother stopping players who consistently win at -EV games. That tells me he is nothing more than a losing degenerate gambler who doesn't care how much of his net worth he loses or gives away as foolish tips on his LV visits. As Boz said, he loves the attention and admiration he gets from tipping, and no casino who loses at any game on a regular basis to a player would ever just keep showering him with freebies, knowing he's taking their cash along with it. That does not and would not happen. Period. Almost exactly like the Bob Dancer model, only he never provides pictures.
MD may not be a bad guy, but he reminds me an awful lot like an ostentatious Stephen Paddock.
Everyone who is successful tips and donates money to charities, just some more than others. There are no exceptions.
As far as how far down I'm willing to get before giving up, well I was down -20 or more last Thursday and recovered. Having a fifty line is the same principle as having enough in a stock trading account so that I may buy more 1000 blocks of AMZN if I get caught in a downward spiral, which incidentally, is exactly where I am at right now. I haven't quite had to leverage to that extent yet, but am currently down about $200,000. on one AMZN trade. I actually averaged in twice more, yesterday and today, but ended up selling both of those trades to make average $10000. each which sounds great but doesn't help my over all problem that I need AMZN to pump back to Friday's levels for me to be even again on the 2000 share block from Friday. When you see AMZN back over 2100 you will know that MDawg is very very happy. (Assuming I don't average in some more, in which case somewhere around 2050 will be adequate.)
But also I suppose it comes down to that losing 50 for me wouldn't be a life changing experience. Annoying and a blow to my pride, but wouldn't change anything.
Last edited by MDawg; 02-25-2020 at 10:24 AM.
That’s a very flamboyant shirt you were wearing at Palms Mdawg.
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