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Thread: The Adventures of MDawg (in progress)

  1. #41
    I believe in changing one's shirt or watch as often as needed to change one's luck. Or in any case, just to feel lucky.

    Something went wrong the image disappeared I will have to repost.

    Not going to the gym today will probably get started playing early today. Stock market is sh*t and being stuck in this trade from Friday I am not so wanting to do any other trades. My long term portfolio remains fine. There's probably nothing better I could be doing today, given that getting too into the stock market right now could lead to more losing positions, than to just relax at a Baccarat table.
    Last edited by MDawg; 02-25-2020 at 10:45 AM.

  2. #42
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    That’s a very flamboyant shirt you were wearing at Palms Mdawg.

    Mcap, it's Mardi Gras.

    You should have seen the shirt my girlfriend vetoed. I took it off the hanger to pack and she was horrified. I guess lavender with purple flowers ain't her thing. Telling her "It's Mardi Gras" had zero effect.

    Hangin' at the Orleans, which seems the appropriate place on Fat Tuesday.

  3. #43
    Mardi Gras is just a social construct redeitz.

  4. #44
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Everyone who is successful tips and donates money to charities, just some more than others. There are no exceptions.

    As far as how far down I'm willing to get before giving up, well I was down -20 or more last Thursday and recovered. Having a fifty line is the same principle as having enough in a stock trading account so that I may buy more 1000 blocks of AMZN if I get caught in a downward spiral, which incidentally, is exactly where I am at right now. I haven't quite had to leverage to that extent yet, but am currently down about $200,000. on one AMZN trade. I actually averaged in twice more, yesterday and today, but ended up selling both of those trades to make average $10000. each which sounds great but doesn't help my over all problem that I need AMZN to pump back to Friday's levels for me to be even again on the 2000 share block from Friday. When you see AMZN back over 2100 you will know that MDawg is very very happy. (Assuming I don't average in some more, in which case somewhere around 2050 will be adequate.)

    But also I suppose it comes down to that losing 50 for me wouldn't be a life changing experience. Annoying and a blow to my pride, but wouldn't change anything.
    Throwing out incomplete statements like that on tipping is probably what you're all about and why WoV doesn't like you. Tipping is done by almost every American at the right place and time. People need not be successful in order to do it---that's just more of your showboating. When somebody tips dealers etc. the amounts you claim to shows me you're either not being truthful, you don't know what you're really doing, or you're more easily intimidated by being the possible recipient of "dirty looks" than Joe Biden is of watching a re-run of his gaffes.

    If you're having that much trouble with the market then you shouldn't be in it. We had a bad day yesterday, but any halfway knowledgeable investor knows to be in it for the long term and these bumps will smooth over.

    Put some more pics up.

  5. #45
    I have seriously never encountered anyone in my life who gets offended at the notion of tipping. I have been all over the world multiple times and pretty much the only country I can think of where tipping is not done is Japan, because over there they view it as something that insults the recipient, as if you are telling him that he NEEDS this in order to survive.

    As far as the stock market, been in it for many years since I was just a pup, and the sums I have in there are staggering compared to being down $200K on one trade. I know what I am doing. I'll be fine. I actually haven't lost a nickel on more than one trade in years.

    Hey fellow forum members, does Rob eventually fight with everyone? Is that the story of the scene here?

    Today was a repeat of yesterday, almost to the letter. Ended with just a couple dollars more than yesterday!

    and wearing platinum today versus gold yesterday didn't seem to make a difference.

    I was down as much as, I believe it was, -23 at one point, but gradually rallied to even.

    This is how it went: I pulled an 8, lost it, did a couple of call bets, won one or two, lost one or two. Pulled a ten, lost that too - not immediately, but eventually. Then pulled a twenty. At one point (when I was down -23 I believe it was) I slammed $15K on one hand and won with a 6. Later on I won an $8000. nine over eight player. That was pretty fun. Commission - that was killing me, I must have paid out five grand maybe a lot more, of commission along the way to a final victory. I rarely if ever keep playing after coming back from in the hole to even.

    Boz asked about why would I even get down, reading the cards and varying my bet. I am not actually playing this $300. minimum table correctly. I need to vary my bet more and press into the runs better. Once I was on a roll, the dealers kept commenting that I wasn't betting enough and could have emptied their tray if I had been playing harder. But, I was gun shy after being down so much, and just wanted back to even.

    Sad isn't it, how "easy" it is sometimes to win twenty or thirty grand when you have to (are down), but not so much when you don't have to (are ahead).

    Towards the beginning I had this really cool cocktail waitress. I recall her from last trip although I don't know her as well as the one from yesterday. Towards the end this Russian blonde took over and although hot she had a masked but visible (at least to me) attitude, and if anyone did not deserve a tip, it was she, but she did deliver my teas, and so, she got the same fiver per hot tea as any other waitress who serves me. The Russian girl spent most of her time in the back bar behind the tables surrounded by about five guys, a combination of customers and employees. I was in such a good mood as I inched in on my goal, that I felt like leaping back there and saying, wow, you sure have it nice surrounded by male minions, now how about bringing me a tea mine has gotten cold again. But, so what, it's the Palms and hot cocktail waitresses at least at high limit are the norm. Let them enjoy the attention. I was busy winning back my money.

    All markers paid, waiting for wife to come back from the spa, then probably a long dinner at Bobby Flay's. I have too much energy to dine in the room tonight. That was pretty intense today. I may be getting tired. I misplaced something valuable in the room and when I didn't find it in the safe I started panicking. I was about to login on my laptop to GPS search for it, when I discovered that my wife had hidden it for me. I must have left it out on the bed. Careless. Maybe time for a break.

    In any case I play one session per day only so tomorrow I will go to the gym and get grounded before resuming play.
    Last edited by MDawg; 02-25-2020 at 08:29 PM.

  6. #46
    One thing that is annoying me a tad. They told me that they tagged my average today at "only" $900. I was slamming yellow chips regularly, and did that $15K hand and that $8K hand and a few $5K hands too. True, I played a lot of table minimum hands too, but still.

    I could tell that some of the pit bosses I encountered today could have cared less whether I won or lost, and in fact were rooting for me, and then one or two might have been hoping I lost.

    As far as big wins, most pit bosses don't care if you even empty the tray but would prefer that you not do it on their watch.

  7. #47

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Some prior trip related videos I posted:
    You just made your fatal stumble. You claim to be a world traveler who knows Japan to be a country of no tipping. That was a mistake.

    I've lived in the Middle East, Asia and Europe, and I've been in virtually every country with an airport from 2-26 times. There are many countries where tipping is not expected, welcome or allowed. So for you to assert something like that only subtracts from any credibility you have.

    I see why you're considered a joke. I like your pictures but it's your words that sink you.

  9. #49
    The degree to which irony is lost on some folks is truly amazing.

  10. #50
    I don't know where this Rob guy has been, but it wasn't Japan if he thinks tipping is customary there. I'd elaborate on how much time I have spent there, and not just as a tourist but staying with Japanese families who were friends of my parents, but - why? only a fool argues with a fool.

    I looked over some posts that the rest of you have made about Rob, and you all are saying that he is merely a tired old man / self proclaimed slot machine cheat trying to seem relevant? apparently, on all topics!

    In any case, life's too short to spend arguing with malcontents. We had a great evening, dinner, then back in the room and winding down some now.

    Rob is more than old enough to remember The Paper Chase? Well before my time, but I watched a few episodes online somewhere after one of my law school professors mentioned it. As Professor Kingsfield did to HART, I hereby SHROUD Rob.Springer. Hereafter, you are a ghost to me. You may continue to spout your non-sequiturs (as your attorney I suggest that you see your doctor to have your dose on those psych meds adjusted), but I will respond only if what you post makes logical sense, which little of what you have posted in this thread, does. If you were Van Gogh, I'd give you a pass, but unless you have some special talent I'm not aware of, there is no excuse for your bizarre thinking.

    I found another marker in my wallet. This one was was from one of the call bets that I won, where the pit boss printed the marker so fast that I had to go through paying it versus having the chips simply disappear from the tray against the win.

    In the "old" days (meaning over a decade ago), casinos used to allow the chips in the tray for call bets to accumulate even past one hand, but nowadays, especially at the Palms, they seem quick to print that marker versus holding it in the tray.

    Another thing that has changed - no more call bets where players would toss a stack of bills on the table and declare how much it is, and get paid that amount without the casino's even counting the money. No more cash bets at all, in fact.

  11. #51
    OK. I'll bite. Sorry for the rabbit hole MDawg, but I'm curious about a couple things. Might learn something new today.

    First, countries without an airport is a thing? I figured some small European countries wouldn't have one, and I've been operating under the assumption virtually every country has an airport. So does anyone know which ones don't?

    Second, I've been to countries that tipping is not required, but still welcomed and allowed. Never been to Japan, but I may well have tried to tip someone there if I had. Which other places are we talking where tipping is unwelcome or forbidden?

  12. #52
    Tipping isnt customary in Australia. Isn’t customary in several European countries and they add service charges to bills. Colombia if you leave a tip on your card the restaurant is going to take it instead of give it to server, if you want it to go to your server have to give them cash directly separately.

  13. #53
    Wasilla, I have this really old, really bizarre theory about writing. Let's see what some of you think about it. The theory is that if you know something, you state it.

    As in, instead of saying, "Murder is allowed in many countries" as trying to state a fact and make an argument, you would instead say, "Murder is allowed in (A), (B), and (C)" if you knew which ones off the top of your head. Thus when you say the very non-specific, "Murder is allowed in many countries," it kind of suggests you are not immediately able to access in your mind which ones. Which means that either you don't know off the top of your head, or you once did, but your memory is all messed up.

    Thus, my idea that "if you actually know something, you state it." I know, I know, what a bizarre concept. Sorry if it is way out there.

  14. #54
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I don't know where this Rob guy has been, but it wasn't Japan if he thinks tipping is customary there. I'd elaborate on how much time I have spent there, and not just as a tourist but staying with Japanese families who were friends of my parents, but - why? only a fool argues with a fool.

    I looked over some posts that the rest of you have made about Rob, and you all are saying that he is merely a tired old man / self proclaimed slot machine cheat trying to seem relevant? apparently, on all topics!

    In any case, life's too short to spend arguing with malcontents. We had a great evening, dinner, then back in the room and winding down some now.

    Rob is more than old enough to remember The Paper Chase? Well before my time, but I watched a few episodes online somewhere after one of my law school professors mentioned it. As Professor Kingsfield did to HART, I hereby SHROUD Rob.Springer. Hereafter, you are a ghost to me. You may continue to spout your non-sequiturs (as your attorney I suggest that you see your doctor to have your dose on those psych meds adjusted), but I will respond only if what you post makes logical sense, which little of what you have posted in this thread, does. If you were Van Gogh, I'd give you a pass, but unless you have some special talent I'm not aware of, there is no excuse for your bizarre thinking.

    I found another marker in my wallet. This one was was from one of the call bets that I won, where the pit boss printed the marker so fast that I had to go through paying it versus having the chips simply disappear from the tray against the win.

    In the "old" days (meaning over a decade ago), casinos used to allow the chips in the tray for call bets to accumulate even past one hand, but nowadays, especially at the Palms, they seem quick to print that marker versus holding it in the tray.

    Another thing that has changed - no more call bets where players would toss a stack of bills on the table and declare how much it is, and get paid that amount without the casino's even counting the money. No more cash bets at all, in fact.
    The fact that you spent so much time arguing something you know or are just too stupid to understand that I did not say, further confirms what a BSer you are. Nowhere did I say tipping is common in Japan. And since you're using that country as your "gateway to the world you've traveled", almost everything else you brag about here comes off as unreal.

    I'm still wondering why you only have one Rolex....and is it a knock-off? Show-offs do that. Let's see the back and front of the timepiece.

  15. #55
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Tipping isnt customary in Australia. Isn’t customary in several European countries and they add service charges to bills. Colombia if you leave a tip on your card the restaurant is going to take it instead of give it to server, if you want it to go to your server have to give them cash directly separately.
    Interesting mcap. Your reference to "customary" is better than my "required" I've traveled a lot of Europe and never had anyone scoff at me when I occasionally offered a tip. Tipping was definitely not customary in most places, and when it was that generally consisted of rounding up the bill rather than adding 10 to 20%. I've also been to Colombia, but had no idea that restaurants did that. Thanks for the tip (pun intended). I've got an acquaintance who just returned from there and now I get to act all super informed when I talk to her about it.

    I'm climbing out of my rabbit hole MDawg to await your next entry.

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Wasilla, I have this really old, really bizarre theory about writing. Let's see what some of you think about it. The theory is that if you know something, you state it.

    As in, instead of saying, "Murder is allowed in many countries" as trying to state a fact and make an argument, you would instead say, "Murder is allowed in (A), (B), and (C)" if you knew which ones off the top of your head. Thus when you say the very non-specific, "Murder is allowed in many countries," it kind of suggests you are not immediately able to access in your mind which ones. Which means that either you don't know off the top of your head, or you once did, but your memory is all messed up.

    Thus, my idea that "if you actually know something, you state it." I know, I know, what a bizarre concept. Sorry if it is way out there.
    It certainly helps to refer to specifics when you want to discuss something. I admit that my memory isn't as sharp as it used to be. In my last post I stated generalities that I remember as true, but I can only make educated guesses about, say, which countries I rounded up the bill for a tip. If I wanted to convince someone of something, I'm certainly going to bring the specific supporting facts to the discussion so that others can independently verify or dispute them.

  17. #57
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I don't know where this Rob guy has been, but it wasn't Japan if he thinks tipping is customary there. I'd elaborate on how much time I have spent there, and not just as a tourist but staying with Japanese families who were friends of my parents, but - why? only a fool argues with a fool.

    I looked over some posts that the rest of you have made about Rob, and you all are saying that he is merely a tired old man / self proclaimed slot machine cheat trying to seem relevant? apparently, on all topics!

    In any case, life's too short to spend arguing with malcontents. We had a great evening, dinner, then back in the room and winding down some now.

    Rob is more than old enough to remember The Paper Chase? Well before my time, but I watched a few episodes online somewhere after one of my law school professors mentioned it. As Professor Kingsfield did to HART, I hereby SHROUD Rob.Springer. Hereafter, you are a ghost to me. You may continue to spout your non-sequiturs (as your attorney I suggest that you see your doctor to have your dose on those psych meds adjusted), but I will respond only if what you post makes logical sense, which little of what you have posted in this thread, does. If you were Van Gogh, I'd give you a pass, but unless you have some special talent I'm not aware of, there is no excuse for your bizarre thinking.

    I found another marker in my wallet. This one was was from one of the call bets that I won, where the pit boss printed the marker so fast that I had to go through paying it versus having the chips simply disappear from the tray against the win.

    In the "old" days (meaning over a decade ago), casinos used to allow the chips in the tray for call bets to accumulate even past one hand, but nowadays, especially at the Palms, they seem quick to print that marker versus holding it in the tray.

    Another thing that has changed - no more call bets where players would toss a stack of bills on the table and declare how much it is, and get paid that amount without the casino's even counting the money. No more cash bets at all, in fact.

    Some of us do more gambling in the morning than others do all day, to paraphrase the Army ads.

    Anyhoo, as I was checking numbers this morning, I remembered that Cantor had not yet technically been taken over by William Hill, thus I had an excuse to walk around the Palms at 8 AM. I briefly surveyed the tables in case someone was wearing a big "MDawg" chain or had a "Who Let the MDawgs Out?" tattoo. No luck, however. The MDawg was probably in the midst of his morning workout.

    Palms has taken out their FPDW. What they left on those machines is 10/7 double bonus.

    Good luck today, MDawg. May you win much and tip more.

    P.S. I tipped the Fremont valet three dollars. I hope that meets federal guidelines.

  18. #58
    I just want to express my opinion about MDawg. First and foremost, this is an anonymous (for most) forum. So, whatever is read or seen here should be for entertainment value only. That old saying comes to mind, “believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see”. (even more so with sites like this)

    I’ve been along for the whole computer ride up to this point but during my life when I did most of my real heavy gambling, not once did I try looking up books or information about how to do it. Experience came from friends and on the job training. I started casino gambling in the late 70’s. Not until a few years ago did I find Shanks sites pretty much by accident. I also found reading about one of my past passions interesting and for the most part more entertaining than learning anything. So, here I am.

    Sites like WOV and others like here are predominantly loaded with bullshit artists trying to convince anonymous people how they were able to beat the odds and billion-dollar casinos. There are no doubt people who made millions doing it and got to live a carefree life. Unless we could know for fact how financially rich these people were when they died, getting to live a carefree life from gambling is still unconfirmed. I’m guessing there are at least two or three new millionaires made every week in each state playing lotteries. That doesn’t mean their going to die with any of it. (as we already know)

    My point is, when people show up on these forums who have money and actually have enough of it to piss it away and have fun doing it, the alleged self-proclaimed professionals on these sites want to tell you how fucking stupid you are and although you made plenty money some where else you can’t be half has smart as them because you ‘re gambling without an edge, living large, and are having a good time. These types of people blabbing this nonsense are the most envious people you could ever run into. They are the type that would cut you to win a bet. They can’t deal with a person invading their alleged scared anonymous forums with real money most will never get to see or enjoy. The balls of someone to invade their playground flashing the type of money their all dreaming about.

    I would bet that most of the members on these sites are broken down 2-bit losers. Does anyone actually believe that BBB from the WOV is some successful educated gambler? She protects her gambling friends on the site with the hopes of getting turned on to an ap play using their money and a chance to make a week’s pay. If monitoring a site like that loaded with bullshit artists like the Shank sounds anything like she’s living the dream; you got real issues. LOL Even Shank went broke gambling.

    No one here believes MDawg will endlessly keep beating the casinos. As long as he doesn’t fuck up and become a degenerate, he could enjoy paying dearly for the luxury’s the casinos offer for his money forever. He claims to have bet much larger in his past. Maybe this is the level he realizes he could maintain. He enjoys flashing it cause it’s fun and for some a chance to show off his success. No doubt he can’t afford to through 500 million dollars out the window without a blink on advertising and not care. But for my opinion I enjoy the show and wish him the best of luck.

    The best part of what he does which I enjoy the most, is the shoving it up the asses of the envious idiots on these sites that read this bullshit and only wish it was them.

  19. #59
    Thank you Red. I am going to go to the gym, eat, then start gambling. I just hope today is a straight win not another down and then eventually win-just-a-tad day. I am earnings comps but no money to speak of at this resort. Hell, the dealers have won more than I have at Palms. Serious waste of time so far, but my wife is having a good time at the spa, and last night was fun.

    Goood morning, Vegas!

    Here is how I tip in Vegas, as far as non-dealer tips:
    I tip the valets on the way in five dollars. This is partly because the valets on the way in usually help the bellman a little bit with unloading luggage from the car. We usually drive into Vegas because we stay so long on each trip and have a lot of luggage. Also by the time we got to the airport arrival and departure we would save maybe an hour given that we live about four hours from Vegas (driving somewhat fast). (The days of being able to arrive at the airport twenty minutes before a flight and have your checked luggage make in on board, are over.) Prefer to just make the trip in a brand new, safe sedan with all the latest auto braking, BLIS, adaptive cruise control, and a police radar detector too. How much luggage? Well, here is most of it stacked from a prior trip:

    and that doesn't even include one or two hanging garment bags loaded with this much clothing (picture taken also from that same prior trip):

    so it really isn't feasible to fly commercial, and even a small private plane, we would have a hard time loading all this on it.

    Back to tips: When I pick up the car, planning return to the same resort for say a venture into town and back, I give them just one dollar, sometimes two dollars. When I return the car I give the valet nothing.

    When checking in, if the bellman who loads all the luggage on the cart (at Palms their carts are small, they need two carts for our luggage) is not the one who goes up to the room with us, I give him $10. for loading the luggage. Then the bellman who delivers to the room gets either $15. or $20. depending on my mood.

    If the same bellman picks up and brings everything to the room, which is rare actually, but when we checked into Palms the other day the same bellman rode all the way up with us, pushing both carts, I give him $20. or $25., more usually $25. if he does a good job.

    On checkout the bellman picks everything up and rides with you to your car, so I just hand him the whole $25. When checking out I am in a good mood having won some money, so I usually tip everyone I encounter who took care of us on the trip five dollars, such as the VIP room attendants. I've left a full twenty in the VIP room at times if I have won a lot. I also give the cashiers something every time I cash my winning checks, usually $5., but if I am cashing out a lot or getting a winning casino check for over ten grand, I will tip $20.

    At T.I. during our New Year's stay (the above walk in closet pic is from our suite at T.I.), the bellman who delivered all the luggage just shoved it inside the door and left it there, and it was a huge suite that took a tiny bit of effort for me to later carry it all into the closet, bathroom and bedroom, but I still gave him $15. After he saw the tip I think he felt bad that he hadn't helped more, but he seemed to be in a mood of, "These high rollers don't tip enough so I'm not going to give full service."

    So, yes, it takes me about thirty bucks in tips to check in and out of each resort.

    When I used to come to Vegas alone, before I got married, I would almost always fly. The limo driver got $20. at airport pickup and $20. at airport drop off. One of them told me that they always expected the tip at pick up, but not at drop off.

    "You never know what's going on. People might have lost all their money." was what the driver told me.

    A high roller, getting the limo treatment, who loses so much that he doesn't have twenty bucks cash left in his wallet? That seems incomprehensible to me.

    As far as in Vegas limo tips: if I have errands to run, for example a business partner and I just closed escrow on a commercial building in Vegas we are now in the process of tenant improving to rent out, I will take my own car.

    But if we are going to a social event in Vegas, I will tip the hotel limo driver $10. if it is a Strip to Strip run, and $20. if it is a run from the Strip to downtown (or back from downtown to the Strip). Nowadays compared with Uber, no you're not saving any money by taking hotel transportation, but that's not the point, you gotta take care of these drivers, they live off those tips.

    As far as dealer tips, I tip as I am winning by putting dealer bets alongside my own bets. I already outlined this above - start with red $5. chips, and then up to $25. I do not tip dealers every hand by any means, just some hands. Yesterday I had a hand when I placed a black chip for the dealer next to $900. for me, which seems like a lot against a mere $900. bet but it was right after I had won a series of bets on a bank run so I was feeling magnanimous.

    One thing I think the dealers like a lot about me is that I get just as excited (well, maybe not QUITE as much), but still, EXCITED, when I win a $300. hand as a $15,000. hand. In fact, maybe more excited with the smaller hands because there is no tension.

    At the end of the last trip on the final session I won about $11,000. I think it was, and a young Asian guy had been watching much of my play. When I stood up to color up the chips, he stepped up to say hello and shake my hand.

    "I just want to say, that it is very rare to see a player with such a good attitude."

    I just laughed, and thanked him.

    "Really though, you don't see that much. I just want to commend you. I think it is because of your attitude that you are winning."

    Whatever the reason, I did win that trip. And do win, consistently, in Vegas.
    Last edited by MDawg; 02-26-2020 at 01:11 PM.

  20. #60
    Tipping is definitely okay in Europe. Once when my brother and I were traveling in France as teenagers we paid for a meal with my AMEX (my name on the card, but under my father's account), and the waiter added a zero to the tip and made the total 10X higher than what it should have been! My Dad had to dispute that one.

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