I will play this game in Reno, but not in North Cali market.

Games are described in this video:

Nice tweet by an “AP” (whatever that means) in North Cali market.

Coin in: $865+
Coin out: $343+
Net loss: $522+

You must be an “AP” for losing roughly 60% of your initial capital.

The equity are banked free games for Mini, Minor, etc. A lot of the spins are duds and the bonus rounds are a joke. At least in HD, you can win big during the Wheel Bonus (e.g. win consecutive picks) to keep you alive.

I had a guy tell me he was going to jump in at X banked games and then start at 2X until so many more banked games, then go to 3X until so many more banked games ... until he got to play at 7X. His logic was the initial banked games were at 2X, 3X, etc which was less than 7X so he could win big at 7X. Guy lost his shirt and then some and won’t touch the game again. He won’t even check the machines. His buddy found the “play” 2 hours later and the bonus awarded was 1/3rd the total loss. Lol

Btw “FractalDactyl” uses a progression as well starting at 5X rather than 7X.