Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
Originally Posted by Tasha View Post

Mendoza and I most likely weren't even from the same STATE! Wait a minute. Mendoza should sign up here and that would cement that he and I are NOT the same person!
No, it wouldn't cement anything.
Well, Dan could do IP checks of me and Mendoza and that would cement it especially if Mendoza lives in a different State than I do. I remember being accused of being a Sock on another website and the Admin stepped in and did IP checks and confirmed that the other Poster I was being accused of was NOT my Sock as we posted in DIFFERENT States! He said something like,"I did IP checks on both Nathan and The Greatest GOAT of all time and they are completely different people. Nathan posts from Florida and The Greatest GOAT posts from Washington State. Case Closed." I did a victory dance.....And Posters replied,"Maybe if you didn't have other Socks we would have believed you when you claimed you weren't The Greatest GOAT!"
Nobody, especially Dan should waste one second trying to help you disprove anything you are accused of. You made your bed with all your lies over the years and deserve to lie in it. I can only hope no one else is desperate enough to climb in that bed with you and get near that nasty Brillo pad of yours.