People make assumptions and some of those assumptions are really bad (btw, a good book to read is D. Ruiz’s “Four Agreements”). One of those bad assumptions might be if I get sick from the Wuhan Virus, the hospital will save me.

Here are the facts: we have more cases of critical or severe Wuhan Virus infections than hospitals can handle and the situation is so bad (because there isn’t enough ICU beds and ventilators), the doctor may let you die. This is not a time to get critically ill for any life threatening disease as hospital care is being compromised.

My hope is if I can convince you that if a doctor may let you die if you developed a critical need for hospitalization from the Wuhan Virus that you **CHANGE** your behavior like RIGHT NOW.

I will share a favorite quote from C Munger’s book entitled “Poor Charlie’s Almanack” (Munger is a self made billionaire who helps run Berkshire with Warren Buffett). Munger wrote about a Rustic who said tell me where I am going to die and I won’t go there. Basically, Munger advises people to create a list of things that result in a certain outcome and then proceed not to do those things.

If you sat down and wrote all the ways you can catch the Wuhan Virus and then proceeded to avoid every item on that list, then your odds of catching the Wuhan Virus went down.

Now, I will end this post by paraphrasing Warren Buffett: You never want to wake up one day and depend on the kindness of strangers (which is traditionally meant financially). But given the Wuhan Virus, I take that to mean in addition that you never want to be in a position where a Doctor has to decide whether to let you live or die.

As I having writing since Feb 2020 when the first case of the Wuhan Virus hit California: Be safe out there.