As you know I live in an apartment complex with many residents whose jobs are linked to casinos. Last night I asked a couple of my neighbors if they really wanted the casinos to reopen?

One neighbor I discovered works in IT for a major locals casino company. While he is not on the casino floor he said he'd rather not return to work now.

Another is my neighbor who does the gig work when conventions are in town. It's a moot question for him because there are no conventions and he wants that special unemployment.

Another neighbor is a dealer. The answer is no. Players can decide what risks they want to take and when but dealers either show up or lose their jobs and it's too early to think it's safe. She's getting minimal pay thru the end of the month and has benefits including health thru June. Of course she is losing all tip income.

We've been looking at the reopening of the casinos from the players' angle but not from the employees' angle. Players might accept the risk of exposure but the employees?

I'd really like to speak to or hear from a cocktail server because they probably have the closest personal contact with the public than any other casino patron. Not only do servers deliver drinks but they pick up empty glasses and bottles, handle tip money and have direct face to face contact -- unlike a dealer who is separated from players by a table.