Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
Originally Posted by LMR View Post

Fucking stupid novices.

You have to change your mind at least a million times to really begin to get somewhere.

Hehehe. Or is it, heyheyhey? Ha.
Yes, what a novice Einstein was since he only changed his mind once on the concept of entanglement. I guess he just wasn't thinking deeply enough about it. You must find it odd then that most people think that Einstein made some of the greatest contributions to physics (and science) in the history of mankind.
Sorry to disappointment you, concerning Mr Stein. But, he changed his mind, notably, on more than just the one occasion listed, nay, quoted, above.

Who's to say? After it's all said and done, well, maybe, supposedly, Mr Stein was really just another stein. Not even a Klein bottle.